Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:01 a.m. No.2657483   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7491 >>7494 >>7545 >>7884 >>8213 >>8229

John Brennan: I Didn’t Mean That Trump Committed Treason When I Said That Trump Committed Treason (VIDEOS)


Former Obama CIA Director and alleged puppet master of the Trump-Russia conspiracy accused President Trump of acting treasonous after the president met with Vladimir Putin in Finland.


On Friday night Brennan told Rachel Maddow he didn’t mean that Trump committed treason when he accused him of treason.

“I didn’t mean that he committed treason.” reported:


Host Rachel Maddow said, “After Helsinki, you were stark, and even a little bit scary in your criticism of his behavior. You said it rose to treason.”


Brennan responded, “I said it was nothing short of treasonous.”


Maddow then stated, “In this current controversy, that specific comment has been singled out by a number of people as a comment that maybe, by you, crossed the line, that was maybe –.”


Brennan cut in to respond, “Crossed what line?” He continued that he has a right to free speech


Maddow responded that she wasn’t questioning whether Brennan had the right to make those remarks, and then asked, “But do you stand by that consideration, and can you explain, can you elaborate what you mean by treasonous? It’s a very serious allegation.”


Brennan answered, “I know what the Russians did in interfering in the election. I have 100% confidence in what they did. And for Mr. Trump to stand on that stage in Helsinki, with all the world’s eyes upon him, and to basically [say] he wouldn’t — he doesn’t understand why would the Russians interfere in the election. He’s given Mr. Putin and the Russians a pass time after time after time, and he keeps referring to this whole investigation as a witch hunt, as bogus, as — and to me, this was an attack against the foundational principle of our great republic, which is, the right of all Americans to choose their elected leaders. And for Mr. Trump to so cavalierly just dismiss that, yes, sometimes my Irish comes out, and — in my tweets, and I did say that it rises to and exceeds the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and is nothing short of treasonous. … I didn’t mean that he committed treason, but it was a term that I used, nothing short of treasonous.”

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:02 a.m. No.2657500   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7515 >>7518 >>7608 >>7616 >>7738

WATCH: Liberal Bill Maher shocks with reaction to Alex Jones social media purge


Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones found an unlikely ally in liberal comedian Bill Maher on Friday.


Maher defended Jones on his show, HBO’s “Real Time,” after Jones and his company, InfoWars, were essentially purged from social media. The bans came after CNN pressed social media companies to investigate whether Jones’ content violated their terms of service.

What did Maher say?


During a panel discussion, Maher defended Jones’ right to speak freely without recourse. Maher explained the protection of free speech is a fundamental value of liberalism.


“If you’re a liberal, you’re supposed to be for free speech. That’s free speech for the speech you hate. That’s what free speech means,” Maher said.


“We’re losing the thread of the concepts that are important to this country,” he added. “I don’t like Alex Jones, but Alex Jones gets to speak. Everybody gets to speak.”


Conservative Charlie Sykes pushed back, telling Maher that Facebook, YouTube, Apple, and other major companies that dropped Jones don’t have an “obligation” to provide Jones a platform to host what many believe is hateful and offensive content.


However, that wasn’t Maher’s point. He agreed that private enterprise is not obligated to host whatever it users want, but said there is a better way to handle Jones.


“I’m just saying, as a concept, that the way to get rid of hateful things is to — the sunlight best disinfect it,” Maher explained.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.2657517   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FBI Dealt Blow By DC Judge; Must Address Measures Taken To Verify Steele Dossier


The FBI has been dealt a major blow after a Washington DC judge ruled that the agency must respond to a FOIA request for documents concerning the bureau's efforts to verify the controversial Steele Dossier, before it was used as the foundation of a FISA surveillance warrant application and subsequent renewals.


US District Court Judge Amit Mehta - who in January sided with the FBI's decision to ignore the FOIA request, said that President Trump's release of two House Intelligence Committee documents (the "Nunes" and "Schiff" memos) changed everything.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:04 a.m. No.2657519   🗄️.is 🔗kun





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Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:06 a.m. No.2657542   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Silicon Valley Strikes Back: Facebook Censors PragerU After Google Lawsuit

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.2657564   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7590

Switzerland – Muslim Couple Citizenship Cancelled After Refusal To Shake Lausanne Mayor’s Hand


The Swiss city of Lausanne ranks as a top European place to live and work due to its healthcare provisions, easy climate, excellent infrastructure and above average salaries. It is, therefore, no surprise that they receive a lot of citizenship requests.


Today it has however blocked a rich Muslim couple's bid to become Swiss nationals after they refused, from a devout religious standpoint, to shake hands with members of the opposite sex, and thus also with the Lausanne Mayor who would have sworn them in.


The Lausanne municipality officially declared their refusal to grant the couple Swiss citizenship was based on their lack of respect for gender equality.


Lausanne Mayor Mr. Gregoire Junod explained that a commission had questioned the couple several months ago to determine if they met the criteria for citizenship but that they had determined (in the ruling made public on Friday) that they missed the mark on integration as they "did not shake hands with people of the opposite sex," and "showed great difficulty in answering questions asked by people of the opposite sex."


According to devout Muslims interpretation of the Quran, Islam does not permit physical contact with a person of the opposite sex.


Mr. Junod said that as per the Swiss constitution, “religious practice does not fall outside the law.”


Related coverage: Switzerland to hold referendum on Burqa ban.


Vice-mayor Mr. Pierre-Antoine Hildbrand who chaired the three-member commission that interviewed the unnamed Muslim couple said he was “very satisfied with the decision. The constitution and equality between men and women prevail over bigotry.”

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:13 a.m. No.2657598   🗄️.is 🔗kun

CNN Accused of Intimidating Paul Manafort Jury


CNN is being accused of attempting to intimidate the Paul Manafort jury after the far-left cable channel (and six other anti-Trump outlets) requested the jurors’ names and home addresses.


Manafort, who worked for a short time as President Trump’s campaign chairman during the 2016 presidential election, has been charged by special counsel Robert Mueller with various financial crimes, none of which have anything to do with Trump or the campaign.


Manafort’s fate now sits with the jury, and after two days of deliberations, anti-Trump media outlets like CNN are becoming concerned Manafort could be acquitted, which would be a major blow to Mueller’s credibility and his ability to remove Trump from office — an outcome the establishment media are desperate to orchestrate.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.2657617   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7691

Mueller Claims George Papadopoulos Hindered Russia Probe, Recommends Six Months Jail Sentence


pecial Counsel Robert Mueller is recommending that former Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos be sentenced to up to six months in jail for lying to the FBI.

Mueller claims that Papadopoulos’s lies to the FBI hindered the Russia investigation.

Papadopoulos’s wife, Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos, describes Mueller’s sentencing document as “fluff” and says her husband did not collude with Russia.


Special Counsel Robert Mueller is asking a federal judge to sentence George Papadopoulos to up to six months in jail and is accusing the former Trump campaign adviser of impeding the government’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election by lying to the FBI during an interview in early 2017.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:17 a.m. No.2657649   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7673 >>7700 >>7722

Satanic Temple Statute Brought To Arkansas Capitol In Protest Of Ten Commandments Monument


Who knew the Satanic Temple had so many followers in Arkansas?

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:20 a.m. No.2657683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Former UN chief and Nobel Peace Prize winner Kofi Annan dies at 80


Former UN Secretary General and famed diplomat Kofi Annan, 80, passed away in a Swiss hospital on Saturday, succumbing to a “short illness,” according to his family.


The statesman passed away peacefully, surrounded by his wife and three children, Annan’s family and foundation announced in a statement praising him for fighting for a “fairer and more peaceful world.” His family asked for privacy in their time of mourning.


A renowned diplomat, Annan was born in 1938 in the British Crown Colony of Gold Coast, which later became the independent nation of Ghana. Starting his career in the World Health Organization, Annan then served as Ghana’s director of tourism.


He went on to hold several high-ranking offices within the United Nations. In the early 1990s, as the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping, Annan led a UN mission to war-torn Somalia and was the organization’s special envoy to former Yugoslavia.


In 1997, Annan was elected UN Secretary General – a position he held until 2006. His tenure coincided with several international crises, such as the 1999 NATO bombing campaign in Yugoslavia, the US invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan, and an escalation in Israeli-Palestine violence known as the Second Intifada.


In 2001, “for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world,” Annan and the UN became co-recipients of the Nobel Peace Prize.


After stepping down from his position as secretary general, he established the Kofi Annan Foundation and focused on humanitarian work.


In 2012, Annan was briefly recalled by the UN and the Arab League to lead a peace mission during the early stages of the civil war in Syria. He proposed a six-point peace plan to end the conflict, but his suggestions were never implemented, and he resigned.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:26 a.m. No.2657751   🗄️.is 🔗kun



The state should get out of people’s LIves How does the state you know it’s fraud, it might help some that wants to change and be saved

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.2657789   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7872 >>7884 >>8213 >>8229

Feds ask court to force Facebook to break Messenger's end-to-end voice encryption for MS-13 gang probe


“Our sources say the U.S. government has gone to court to force Facebook to break what it says is end-to-end encryption in Messenger voice calls,” says Joseph Menn of Reuters.


“Echos of San Bernardino iPhone case,” says the piece's co-author Dan Levine.


“This is bad. The security of literally billions could be put at risk,” says the EFF's Kurt Opsahl.



From the Reuters story:


The U.S. government is trying to force Facebook Inc (FB.O) to break the encryption in its popular Messenger app so law enforcement may listen to a suspect’s voice conversations in a criminal probe, three people briefed on the case said, resurrecting the issue of whether companies can be compelled to alter their products to enable surveillance.


The previously unreported case in a federal court in California is proceeding under seal, so no filings are publicly available, but the three people told Reuters that Facebook is contesting the U.S. Department of Justice’s demand.


The judge in the Messenger case heard arguments on Tuesday on a government motion to hold Facebook in contempt of court for refusing to carry out the surveillance request, according to the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.


Facebook and the Department of Justice declined to comment.


The Messenger issue arose in Fresno, California, as part of an investigation of the MS-13 gang, one of the people said.


NOTE: IMO this is a great move, either help and destroy self (the cabal) or refuse and be shown for what you are! Brilliant

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.2657812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8213 >>8229

ISIS given ‘breathing space’ in parts of Syria under US-backed forces' control ==


Islamic State managed to regain access to Syrian oil fields and make profits from selling oil, a new UN report reveals. While the UN did not point fingers, the IS reemergence seems to occur in areas held by the US-backed forces.


“Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant [IS, formerly ISIL/ISIS], having been defeated militarily in Iraq and most of the Syrian Arab Republic during 2017, rallied in early 2018. This was the result of a loss of momentum by forces fighting it in the east of the Syrian Arab Republic,” the recent report from the UN Security Council’s Sanctions Monitoring Team reads. The document is dated July 27, but was only released to the public this week.


The slow-down gave IS “breathing space to prepare for the next phase of its evolution into a global covert network.” As of June 2018, the terrorist group has been controlling “small pockets of territory in the Syrian Arab Republic on the Iraqi border,” effectively carrying on with its quasi-state ways.


“[IS] was able to extract and sell some oil, and to mount attacks, including across the border into Iraq,” the reports stated, adding that the terrorist group regained “access to some oil fields in northeastern” Syria.


While the report did not specify which forces exactly were having troubles with “momentum,” northeastern Syria is located on the left bank of the Euphrates river, controlled by the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) militia backed by the US-led coalition.


Regaining control of the oil fields allowed IS to yet again make oil profits a significant source of revenue. The report also vaguely stated that IS continues to impose “taxes” on civilians “in areas it controls, as well as in contested areas,” as well as to kidnap local businessmen for ransom.


Apart from strengthening of IS-held “pockets” in northeastern Syria, the report also listed a number of hotspots in Syria, which might be sources of further IS reemergence. Among them, the UN named the Rukban refugee camp, located near the Al-Tanf US military base. Other IS-infested places listed in the report include unspecified locations in the Aleppo province and an area controlled by an IS-affiliated group in the Deraa province. The latter, however, was already eradicated late in July during the Syrian Army offensive in the south-west of the country.


The issue of the Rukban refugee camp has been repeatedly raised by Moscow and Damascus, who repeatedly urged the US to cooperate. Earlier in August, Colonel General Sergey Rudskoy, the head of operations of the Russian General Staff, described Rukban as place where “people are living in harsh conditions and where terrorists find shelter.”


“Our American partners should provide humanitarian access to Rukban as soon as possible, provide passage for the refugees to their home areas and withdraw the base from Al-Tanf,” Rudskoy stated.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:33 a.m. No.2657838   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7932 >>7944 >>8213 >>8229

EpochTimes, #UraniumOne: How Clinton Sold Out the U.S. to Russia


We have a long ways to go before truth is all out there for the world to see. But we are on the road, and this is one stop along the way.


The Uranium One scandal saw major U.S. and foreign #uranium mines passed to Russia. Millions of dollars made their way to the Clinton Foundation from individuals tied to the deal, as then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton helped approve the sale to Russia on the government side. This also made the United States increasingly reliant on Russia for nuclear energy, despite U.S. intelligence warnings that Russia was attempting to exert foreign influence by controlling energy markets.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:36 a.m. No.2657864   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7884 >>7891 >>8213 >>8229

North Korea slams Trump’s opponents for hampering peace efforts, denuclearization


North Korea lashed out at Donald Trump’s rivals for “a deadlock” in bilateral relations, calling upon the US leader to act in a “bold” manner, in a statement that differs dramatically from the North’s stance on the US last year.


In a lengthy editorial, Rodong Sinmun, the official newspaper of the North’s ruling party, praised US President Donald Trump for seeking to improve relations between Washington and Pyongyang. “However, he faces too many opponents,” it said.


According to the paper, Democrats and even some Republicans are hampering Trump’s peace efforts and the media is undermining his policies. Bureaucrats and presidential aides are “speaking and moving in contradiction to the president’s will” and are “distorting facts and covering up his eyes and ears in order to mislead him to a wrong decision.”


The editorial says that the political opponents of the US president are “raising their voice, dismissing the Singapore joint statement and boycotting a declaration of an end to the war.” But what it thinks will end the “current deadlock in the DPRK-US relations” is “President Trump’s bold decision.”


Rodong Sinmun’s position shows a U-turn in North Korea’s attitude towards Donald Trump – from “hammers of war” in summer 2017 to “Trump’s improving ties with Pyongyang” a year later.


In June, Democratic congressional leaders slammed Trump for making concessions at the Singapore summit with Kim. US Senator Chuck Schumer said that “by granting a meeting with Chairman Kim, President Trump has granted a brutal and repressive dictatorship the international legitimacy it has long craved.”


Also in June, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) hinted at the need for war against North Korea, saying that “if diplomacy fails, as a last resort, Democrats and Republicans need to put the military option on the table or we’ll never get a good deal.”


Only last summer, Trump himself threatened North Korea “with fire and fury,” calling the nation an “extraordinary threat” to the US. The North was also releasing menacing statements.


This spring, however, Trump took a different approach, which ultimately led to the “epochal” summit in Singapore in which North Korean denuclearization was agreed upon. After the summit, the US leader even claimed that there is no longer a nuclear threat from Pyongyang.


The anticipated Trump-Kim meeting came after the North demolished tunnels leading to an underground nuclear testing site. At one point, however, the summit was nearly canceled by Trump due to a change of heart.


The North’s process of denuclearization received different reactions from the US leader. In June, he insisted that Pyongyang should start the process “very quickly” and that “a lot of people” would be sent to North Korea to verify it. Later, he said there is “no rush” on denuclearization.


Trump remains adamant about sanctions on the country, stating on numerous occasions that North Korea should not expect an easing of restrictions any time soon.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:37 a.m. No.2657879   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7938

California Wants To Force Restaurants To Only Offer Kids Milk Or Water With Meals


The California state legislature passed a bill this week requiring restaurants to make the default drinks for kids’ menus either water or milk.


ccording to the text of S.B. 1192:


“This bill would require a restaurant, as defined, that sells a children’s meal that includes a beverage, to make the default beverage water, sparkling water, or flavored water, as specified, or unflavored milk or a nondairy milk alternative, as specified. The bill would not prohibit a restaurant’s ability to sell, or a customer’s ability to purchase, an alternative beverage if the purchaser requests one.”


The bill does not prohibit restaurants from selling other drinks to children, but it forces them to offer water or milk first. The penalties are as follows:


“The bill would make a violation of its provisions an infraction, but would make the first violation subject to a notice of violation. Under the bill, the 2nd and 3rd violations would be punishable by fines of not more than $250 and $500, respectively. By imposing additional duties on local enforcement agencies and by creating a new crime, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.”


Lawmakers say the new law is intended to help combat childhood obesity in the state, but not all parents are convinced. “It’s a good idea, but ultimately it’s up to the parents,” one California mother told CBS News.


“Cancer is fought in the halls of government, not just in the halls of the hospital,” said Stephanie Winn of the American Cancer Society, which supports the bill.


“Some of these kids are drinking up to three sodas a day. This is setting them up for tremendous cancer risks down the road. Because now we know that 20 percent of all cancers are tied to being overweight,” she said.


Some lawmakers objected.


“Seriously, like, what’s next?” asked Assemblyman Matthew Harper, R-Huntington Beach. “Are we going to insist that you have to have kale in your salad unless you specifically ask otherwise?”


Nevertheless, the bill, which was introduced in the Senate by majority leader Sen. Bill Monning, was just passed by the Assembly. It will return to the Senate for one more vote before it is sent to Governor Jerry Brown’s desk. The bill passed easily in both houses.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:42 a.m. No.2657917   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7928 >>7957 >>8213 >>8229

Dallas police charities collected millions for slain officers, only a fraction went to families



Tens of thousands of people from around the world made donations for the families of five officers who were killed during a march and demonstration in Dallas, Texas, on July 7, 2016. But most of the money never made its way to the widows and children, according to a report by the Dallas Morning News.


The officers were shot by a sniper during a protest concerning police who killed two men – one in Louisiana, the other in Minnesota – just days earlier.


As money poured into city hall, the task of managing it was handed to the Assist the Officer Foundation, a long-standing charity run by the Dallas Police Association.


Since the killings, millions of dollars wound up at two other charities linked to the police department, according to the report. Police Sgt. Demetrick Pennie runs those charities: the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation and the Texas Fallen Officer Foundation.


The news outlet’s investigation found that most of the money raised in fact went to three telemarketing companies, one of which is owned by Pennie’s friend. And Pennie pocketed “tens of thousands of dollars.”


In all, the officers’ families received just 22 percent of the total $3.2 million donated to Pennie’s two charities in 2016 and 2017, the Dallas Morning News’ review of IRS filings found.


The Better Business Bureau recommends that charities “spend no more than $35 of every $100 from donors on fundraising costs such as telemarketers,” the report stated.

Where did the money go?


Last year, out of every $100 donated to Pennie’s Texas Fallen Officer Foundation, $5 went to families. The rest includes $74 for telemarketing, $15 to cash reserves and $6 for expenses for Pennie and his team.


For the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation, every $100 donated last year saw $10 going to fallen officers’ families. Additionally, $48 went to telemarketers, $25 to cash reserves and $17 to travel, salaries and other expenses, the report states.


The Better Business Bureau told the new outlet at least 65 percent of a nonprofit’s spending should go toward its core mission.


“Last year, the Texas Fallen Officer Foundation and the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation allocated just 6 percent and 13 percent of their spending, respectively, toward helping families,” according to the report.


The report concluded that the practices are “far out of line” when compared to the IRS filings of other police charities for metropolitan police charities.


The so-called charity work is helping Pennie.


He was paid $43,300 from funds donated to the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation, according to IRS records obtained by the news outlet. He also earns a $89,400 salary from the police department. The foundation also paid $37,900 to its vice president, Sonia Godinez. And $12,600 was spent on travel, although records do not provide details.

How was this defended?


Pennie defended his salary, saying he dedicates more than 20 hours per week for charity. He also explained that his non-profits are only a few years old, and telemarketing is a way attract donations that otherwise wouldn’t be raised.


If donors ask, telemarketers are required to explain how much will go to the charity, according to Pennie.


“We need a constant revenue stream coming in,” Pennie told the Dallas Morning News. “Doing the barbecues and stuff like that wasn’t working. Having the fundraisers doing the phone soliciting — that works best for what we need.”


He also pointed to the impact he has had by holding events for families of fallen officers, such as taking them to see movies, throwing Christmas parties and other events.


But two experts who reviewed IRS filings from Pennie’s charities were alarmed at how little the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation and the Texas Fallen Officer Foundation allocates to police families.


“This is crazy,” Erica Harris, a Villanova University professor who studies nonprofit accounting, told the Dallas Morning News. “They’re spending all this money to call up people to try and get more money and then they barely use any of the money to do what they say they’re going to do.”


Spending a large amount on telemarketing is often an inefficient use of cash and it’s misleading to donors because they don’t realize that most of their money going to telemarketing firms and not victims’ families.


“That is a violation of the charitable ethos,” Doug White, a philanthropy adviser and former head of Columbia University’s fundraising management program, said.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:49 a.m. No.2657970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7977 >>8038 >>8190 >>8213 >>8229

Philippines president threatens to ‘kick a**’ of any Catholic bishop


Calling the Catholic Church a “hypocritical institution,” President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines on Tuesday once again broke a pledge to stop criticizing the country’s dominant religion.


“Is there any bishop here? I want to kick your a**,” Duterte said at a meeting of business leaders in Manila.


Duterte said he was a victim of the deceased Jesuit priest Father Mark Falvey, who had been convicted for sexual offenses.


“We were molested, all of us,” he said about his experience in Catholic school.


The president also declared he was no longer Catholic, but a member of his own church, the “Iglesia ni Rodrigo.”


“Iglesia ni Rodrigo does not limit anything. Do not believe in hell. If you die you will be a piece of carcass,” Duterte said.


“I have my own concept of God is - what God is. It’s really the history. It’s only one God, God the Father. He’s not even the father. He’s God, period,” he added.


After a 30-minute meeting July 9 between Duterte and Archbishop Romulo Valles of Davao, president of the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines, the president had promised to stop attacking the Church.


The meeting came after he called God “stupid,” drawing condemnation from many in the highly religious country. The Philippines is 81 percent Catholic, with a further 11 percent belonging to Protestant denominations. A little over 5 percent of the population is Muslim, mostly in the southern Moro region.


On Tuesday, Duterte implied the Church was misappropriating funds, and said if he became a pastor after he retired he could “buy my own plane.”


“The Catholic Church is strict about the behavior of workers of government because we spend the people’s money. But may I ask now, you collect - not even taxes - there’s a log - bag of money and they go around collecting,” the president said.


“Now there’s a second collection, please be generous because the second collection is for the - for my family,” Duterte continued, before claiming Church orphanages were for the children of priests.


Although most of Duterte’s rant was aimed at the leaders of the Church, he also crudely attacked the devotion of the common believer, turning his ire to the veneration of saints.


“There’s a - there’s something, yours is San Isidro, your saint. And who is this s***?” Duterte asked.


“Who is this guy San Isidro that every town fiesta we kill our cows, carabaos? Just to spend because it is the fiesta of San Isidro. San Pablo - who were they?”


Duterte has been at odds with the country’s Catholic Church since before he took office. Church leaders have condemned his bloody crackdown on the drug trade which has left thousands dead in extrajudicial killings, as well as his efforts to reintroduce the death penalty.


Despite his anti-Catholic diatribes, the president remains hugely popular in the Philippines, with the latest poll showing an approval rating of 88 percent.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:57 a.m. No.2658030   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8050 >>8213 >>8229

Poland Deports Top Soros Organizer and Agitator back to Ukraine


On Tuesday August 14, 2018, Poland deported top Soros organizer Lyudmyla Kozlovska from the Schengen (EU) area without an explanation.


The George Soros Open Dialog Foundation called this an “act of political nature carried out by the Polish authorities in order to stop the activities of the organization in the country and abroad.”

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 11:58 a.m. No.2658040   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8048 >>8083 >>8085 >>8213 >>8229

Erdogan: Turkish Military Will Expand Area Of Its Operations In Syria


The Turkish military will expand the area of its operations in northern Syria, up to the Iraqi border, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan announced on August 18.


“The operations of the Turkish army in Jarabulus, Al Bab and Afrin will be carried out in other Syrian regions, up to the Iraqi border. They will also be carried out in [Iraq’s] Sinjar and Makhmur. We will eliminate the terrorist threat coming from the territory of Syria and Iraq. We will not let terrorists to control zones near our southern borders,” the president said at a congress of the Justice and Development Party.


The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) along with Turkish-backed militant groups are already in control of a large chunk of northern Syria, including the cities of Al-Bab and Afrin. These areas were seized by Ankara under a pretext of combating ISIS and the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) – a Kurdish rebel group, which is involved in a long-term standoff against the Turkish governemnt.


On the same time, units of the TAF entered some areas in the province of Idlib in northwestern Syria.


However, the Erdogan government is not going to stop on this. Currently, it’s working to force the US to drop support to the so-called Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF). The core of the SDF is the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). Ankara describes the YPG as an affilate of the PKK.


Turkey has also repeatedly treated to employ a military option if its demands to disarm the YPG and other US-backed Kurdish militias in northern Syria are ignored.

Anonymous ID: e41e1c Aug. 18, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.2658082   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8102

Broken Britain: As Recorded Crime Hits All-time High, Prosecutions Plunge to All-time Low


Prosecutions in England and Wales have fallen to a new low even as recorded crime reaches new heights, according to reports.


The latest statistics show police recorded crime up 11 percent to 5.5 million — with some the increase for some very serious offences significantly greater — but prosecutions and out of court disposals have plunged by 7 percent to the lowest total number since records began in 1970.


Alternative methods of tackling offending are also falling, with cautions for cannabis abuse down 14 percent and on-the-spot fines — which can be used for cannabis possession, theft of goods worth less than £100, harassment, and public drunkenness and disorderliness — down 27 percent, The Telegraph reports.


Budget cuts an increase in the workload associated with complex crimes such as child grooming and sexual exploitation have been blamed for the collapse.