Anonymous ID: bdf0da Jan. 21, 2018, 9:15 a.m. No.114429   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4539 >>4970

First, let me apologize if I am in the wrong thread, I post here because I hope to help and get help also hope to reach the ONE.


There are many autists here who are most dedicated from all walks of life that will understand and have certain talents for seeing multiple layers quickly and can guide me.


I have re read all crumbs and my view is there is not just duality and directions but hidden message within each one.


Reading is subjective to interpretation, in all things.


Information elicits a part of the brain to process just like a computer, nothing is ever lost just new info overlays the previous info. Ex. A song may invoke a childhood memory similar to a key command recalls data.


So with this, we have been given many messages, diggers dig, memers meme, thinkers think, researchers research, have we been given messages or been given directions, directions to out the corruption. BUT Due to laws passed to preserve our country, perverse people have used it for their own gain. We the people look to one person to fix the problem however once the problem is fixed how do we go on. The losing side of society will feel like they were made to be fools for their beliefs/trust. This can not happen, there is no glory in being right.


We have outed the corruption and are impatiently waiting for justice.


While I await justice, I take stock of all that has been posted in the chans and realize I am humbled by the brain power, passion, dedication and patriotism but I also have looked at our education system and what it has lacked and how we adults need to go back to school and learn the fundamentals of what our country was built on, a belief we are created equal, there was no race in our early history but class.


Class, class, class. How many variations of this word still exists today, the biggest that stands out is CLASSIFIED. Lost classified emails, really but suddenly no longer lost, is this a bluff or true. If not lost why, technology was not understood by corrupters. Fly at 40,000 vs classified. What is at 40,000………. clouds. Layers and layers of clouds. Once on www, forever on www. SIS was mentioned was it ever figured out? What about, we were told constantly to think bigger, what is bigger than 40,000, how to explain away their corruption, use proof with history. Read, map, time, circular, we need timeline of events, historical from beginning with who lived, who died, contributions/corruption. Start at the beginning, the beginning of our country, major shifts, rewriting history-lies, CORRECT THE LIES, TRUTH, only FACTS. Weaponize their greed against them for they have lived in plain sight and love to laugh at us. The pen is mightier than the sword.


MSM spouts race but not class……. Why? IMHO because it could trigger a memory for the viewer and we can't have that. I'm going out on a limb, again, stated many times, FEDERALIST Papers 4,10,20, yes I know DJT before you fuss.


Fed 4 protect country from domestic/foreign foes, to prevent factions within country/government from taking over. Minority was not majority but ruled. What we believe minority is today is not what founding fathers believe. HINT. Minority - landowners/aristocracy. Majority-those who were governed. Twisted today.


Fed 10 allows government to control violence caused by factions, creation of military


Fed 20 succession of power, think Kennedy and corruption following.


I digress, I have done lots of research and keep coming back to one thing, how do we survive the coming truth as Americans and move forward because like the chain of command, the golden rule, follow the chain of command because you must still work together once all is said and done. Jump the chain and chaos ensues. All things being revalant. Go back and reeducation of our fundamental rights. There is no race but class, who wants to control others, who wants freedom for all. One will go down while others go up. Which group are we, even the masses need a general and a spy.


What does a billionaire and a caged bird have in common, could they have a common goal or a common enemy, how do they combine their intellectual strengths and both win. Art of the Deal, Art of War. What does one have that the other doesn't and vice versa.


Thoughts please.

Anonymous ID: bdf0da Jan. 27, 2018, 4:39 p.m. No.184970   🗄️.is 🔗kun



When I posted this in main thread, I got a reply that was very unique and made me believe the federalist papers are part of what we are fighting for.


Our bill of rights which correspond to federalist papers.


Pics sauce