It’s not really a ‘medical help’ issue anon, that’s a bit harsh. This anon is reaching in the right direction (‘one is the force of one’) but falls short by immediately contradicting themselves with ‘the other source is…’. One is simply one – there is no other, it is one without other by definition. All the deductions following this flaw are pure injected fantasy that tells us all about the anon in question: they are struggling to find meaning, to understand the point of suffering, how the cabal has any power…??? These are legitimate questions, and there are few in this world who are not struggling to find their way through these problems, one way or another. We can help each other through this – but I fail to understand how that will be achieved by sarcastic, arrogant put-downs of others on the same path, an issue I often struggle with when lurking these boards. Love to you anon, and to our fellow searcher anon who split the one into many without thinking it through.