Anons, please join me in prayer to our Almighty God! Dear God, in the name of your son Jesus Christ, because You are all-powerful and can do all things, we ask that you save and protect the victims of human trafficking, especially the children.
Please spread your blanket of peace/love/comfort/warmth over the victims and come to their aid. Please send your hordes of angels to fight and overcome the demons inspiring the pedos to perform such terrible, unspeakable acts on the children! Please consider displaying the heavenly fight to the victims, perpetrators, and enablers so that they understand the depths of wickedness and evil they do and will repent and accept their punishment on this earth and whatever you decide will be their fate in the afterlife.
Please open the hearts and minds of the victims, perpetrators, and enablers such that, regardless of their past thoughts/actions/inactions, they will be willing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior and follow Your teachings in actuality and not just lip service.
Please guide and protect our military, law enforcement personnel, attorneys, politicians, and judges in this effort. Please protect them from all crime, terrorism, physical harm, mental/emotional harm, financial shenanigans, political ploys, and all other types of harm, hazardous situations, and potentially hazardous situations. Please weed out the corrupt and blackmailable personnel from the fight against human trafficking and ensure that justice is properly served and the victims are properly taken cared for.
Please help the good people of the USA and the world understand the plague of human trafficking and the toll it exacts on all affected. Help them see how Hollywood and the MSM also normalize and favorably publicize all the perversions, wickedness, and evil taking place. Please help the USA and the world come up with alternative news sources, social media, and entertainment that will provide truthful, objective, unbiased reporting and analysis of events as well as excellent role models and paths to follow.
For all the victims who are deceased or near death, we pray for their souls and ask that you forgive their sins, give them a last chance to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior, and admit them to Heaven. Also, please spread your blanket of peace/love/comfort/warmth over the victims' surviving relatives and friends as they work through their great loss, whether or not they know the tragedy of what happened to the victims.
And, finally, please guide us such that we willingly walk the path you set out for us and accept your Divine Plan even though we may not understand it.
In the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ, we ask that you grant the above requests, dear God!