Even if it were deliberate [could have been] So what?
I don't have the link in previous bread for this:
I noticed in the images posted recently about the "royal [fraud] family." with Nazi-ism on the high levels. Liz and Phil met at the crossroads.
Read another post recently but don't have the link handy - explaining how Nazi's created C-A
Oh yes that was the LIST / Map that just surfaced. Phil was from a Nazi lineage/ family
Excellent work on the map and the points.
Maybe each of the points on the list can be illustrated with citations and images.
"Cross Roads"
shows the "ancient religion" connection; which has been speculated about them.There were sacrifices done at crossroads in the ancient world.
Notice the 'Crossroads" in the background of the photo of their first meeting?
That was deliberate. They met at the Crossroads. Staged photo.
"HECATe" [Dark Goddess] is one name of the goddess that's sacrificed to at a crossroad.
Black Star. Star is Isis. Black Star is Black goddess. Hecate is a dark "chthonic" goddess, one to which devotees perform blood sacrifice More "Star" reference:
Notice "Bowie" connects to 2001 Space odyssey [David "Dave" BOWMAN was the hero astronaut] "Bowie" was connected to the whole USA "Space Project" and NASA Rocket science on a popular level. NASA and Rocket science connected at its inception to Satanism.
I brought that up since "Bowie" was discusssed up earlier today
"Ground Control to Major Tom" song by "Bowie" was played in England for the Moon landing on TV.
"Spiders from Mars" / was his rock-opera type show, which was his break - out"
Music business is completely controlled and was back then too.
So anyway "BLACK STAR" is the black Goddess? And was his last Art Product.
If you look at the last video under "his name" it's "Black Star"
"Im not a gangstar. I'm a black star" and references human sacrifice.