That's our POTUS. How can ya not love him?
I know Q said reference to McCann not intended, no connection, but any pizzagate researcher worth their salt made that connection over two years ago. While far from proven, there are just too many coincidences. The McCann/Podesta connection remains on the table in my view.
Still, I swear I seem to recall John Podesta having implied something snarky about someone – could have been POTUS – and then taking it back with the words, "not intended." I've searched but cannot find it, could be I'm confused but like I said, I feel like I remember that.
HOLY SHIT ANONS! Wait a minute. I LIED. Well, not actually. I just didn't use the right search terms. I was right. John Podesta did say "not intended.'
==This implies Q was making a tongue-in-cheek reference to McCann/Podesta connection when he said;
Not Intended. No Connection==
Diggin' now.
>I think he knew exactly what he was doing. But maybe it's not time for confirmation.
Yup, this was my thought from the get-go, as soon as I read the post and follow up. Q Team is not dumb. A typo is one thing, a complete retraction on an implied message? NOT.
>I think when they killed that You Tuber for investigating pedophilia. Q got payback exposing them, after she was murdered the pedo shit was all Q focused on it seemed.
Interdasting theory, you are likely right. Certainly was timely.