Anonymous ID: 13c1fd Aug. 18, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.2660483   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2659463 (PB)

Michel Foucault … I've read him. Total loss of many hours trying to understand the (supposed) modern philosophy of a man given to long ramblings in evasion of conclusions.


If the man wanted to talk about a pencil, he'd spend 3 pages detailing all the things he DIDN'T mean that might get confused with a pencil. After a couple hundred pages of that non-sense, I carefully shelved the book so as to bring the most money when my estate should go up for auction.


I'd rather study the philosophy of Jay Z than Foucault simply because Jay Z can eventually find a conclusion.


Ronal speaks of stupidity from the viewpoint of personal experience.