Anonymous ID: 142ecd Aug. 18, 2018, 3:58 p.m. No.2660022   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0046


This entire conversation is about why the WH isn't diverse. Not once do they bring 'merit' into the conversation. These people are not only stupid, they are intellectually inept (or intentionally dishonest).


>High Yella Quadroon

You're a racist. Good job, Chaim.


>tbh appears to have pretty high testosterone levels

And sexist.


>Angela says "What you said was offensive"

Doesn't give a reason why.


Waste of 6:13 of my life. Thanks. The only way I can counter that is I spent 10:13 with something close to pic related in the shower this morning.

Anonymous ID: 142ecd Aug. 18, 2018, 4:13 p.m. No.2660131   🗄️.is 🔗kun


OK, I was drinking rum and coke when that happened, and I knew for a fact that Trey was /ourguy/ (knew before then, but that's beside the point). I even tried to get Q to put him on the WH official SC picks list as a "proof", but obviously, he couldn't do it after having dropped that here.

Anonymous ID: 142ecd Aug. 18, 2018, 5:01 p.m. No.2660517   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0556 >>0619 >>0648


>Antifa were commies and fought the nazis

Antifa, back the, were a prime example of political 'gaslighting'.


Hitler was financed by the same families that control the banks today, and finance Antifa today (up is down, left is right). Regardless, USSR was infiltrated, too. Or have you forgotten about the 20 million, Chaim?


As a side note:

I wonder why Switzerland never had to fire a shot in not one, but TWO world wars?

Anonymous ID: 142ecd Aug. 18, 2018, 5:17 p.m. No.2660655   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Don't make me get diverse on ya, now.



OK, Ezra,

The Catholics in your photo are owned by the Roths, and they know it. They were put into that photo op "playing a part" in the scheme. They knew the scheme.


The Nazis in the photo were owned by the same group of people, and HAD NO FUCKING CLUE they were being used as pawns by the Roths. You either are intentionally peddling lies, or you just don't get it, and you are a simple racist like Jared Tyler.


Neither of them were in charge. The Vatican officials, however, knew more than the Nazis did. The Nazis actually thought they were going to be allowed to bring about the greatest era in human history. They were trusting and gullible; Germanic traits of naivety. Just as Germanics are gullible to believe their entire country was responsible for the atrocities of the WWII, and '

are still paying for it'. Germanics/Nordics have been subjugated into believing they should take in swathes of disparate groups due to the lies they've been told. Who's telling the lies, Benjamin? Real Jews or the Fake ones (Roths)?


You don't have long left. You got too proud. You got too loud. You believed you had already won.