Anonymous ID: 27ef72 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:38 p.m. No.2659860   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9878


I have had glimpses of my world once the lies are exposed, Dark to Light

I can look back at roads less travelled for the obstacles placed in my way beginning with taking back my childhood. I'm not sure how but I will …perhaps wear a diaper to the beach maybe nothing, build sand castles in clean sand, wade & swim in clean ocean water.. kek


Country Road

Take Me Home

To The Place

I belong ……….. <insert)

(Sing it baby but don't dox self)


Love You Q without you I am completely alone until the world knows, until my sons know & respect me again not just love me in spite of thinking I need help after buying into some 'ridiculous' conspiracy


Look Who I found at the Beach

Anonymous ID: 27ef72 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:57 p.m. No.2660492   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0510 >>0520 >>0536 >>0609

A Systemic Framework

For a growing number of schools and districts, SEL has become a coordinating framework for how educators, families, and communities partner to promote students’ social, emotional, and academic learning.


SEL is embedded in their strategic plans, staffing, professional learning, and budgets. It guides their curriculum choices and classroom instruction — both direct practice in SEL as well as integrated instruction with reading, math, history, and other core subjects.


It drives many of their schoolwide practices and policies. It informs how adults and students relate with each other at all levels of the system, creating a welcoming, participatory, and caring climate for learning.


It shapes their partnerships with families and community members, highlighting engagement, trust, and collaboration.



Look where the parent is situated in the "circle of care'




Then there is the curriculum with added sex education starting in kindergarten with those freak trannies.


common core state STANDARDS FOR

English Language Arts


Literacy in

History/Social Studies,

Science, and Technical Subjects

Appendix B: Text Exemplars and

Sample Performance Tasks




National Sexuality Education Standards – Core Content and Skills, K-12

maryscheelbuysse / May 1, 2013


author: 'OK, so I just discovered this little secret of Common Core'.

“The National Sexuality Education Standards”


SAME WOMAN that reported previous articles worked sort of undercover at locations they were registering undocumented immigrants from middle east to see how they were processed.


The following video link her interview with Josh Tolley. Hour long but info is valuable for the record of what was occurring under bo and the cunt admin with open borders, who was coming in no id, told how to lie for max benefits

Anonymous ID: 27ef72 Aug. 18, 2018, 5:13 p.m. No.2660628   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DHS Wants to Know Everything About You

dhs fascism (2014 article still some digs on the tech used then)


How Your Threat Matrix Score Could Land You on the Terminal “Red List”

Posted on December 18, 2014 by Dave Hodges


There is a new DHS funded multi-billion dollar spy tool and it is called "FirstNet"". This is a citizen information gathering device like no other. A company called New World Systems (do they really mean New World Order Systems?) is in charge of implementing this system.


The Radio Access Network (RAN) part of this elaborate network consists of the radio base station infrastructure that connects to user devices including cell towers and mobile hotspots embedded in vehicles which connects to the satellite network or other types of wireless infrastructure. This is a “search and destroy system” as ""FirstNet"" is designed to hunt you down in remote areas. Take a look at the map below along with the embedded graphics from the FirstNet website. They have developed the technology to track you and find you should you be a fugitive from their own special brand of justice. RAN has the ability to track you anywhere on the planet. Soon, there will be nowhere for people with high threat matrix scores to run and hide without being found by this system.

A company called PredPol claims that it possesses proprietary software which can actually predict times and places for likely future crimes. Intrado has the capability to data mine all social media and create your personal profile based on your Internet chatter. Subsequently, if you are pulled over for a speeding violation, you could find yourself face down on the pavement because you have written something negative about the police who murdered Eric Garner. Or, you might just end up like Eric Garner.


Does anyone else have a problem with this police state surveillance grid? Some might intimate, it is time for a revolution. For those who are so inclined, the authorities, the minions for the banksters, have that possibility covered as well and that will be the topic of a future article. Meanwhile, take a pill, your paranoia is about to get worse.