Anonymous ID: 42fb5e Aug. 18, 2018, 4:56 p.m. No.2660476   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0595 >>0632 >>0644

In deciding who to vote for, most particularly if the vote is for who will be POTUS, there is one most essential consideration. Which candidates have respect for the LAW of GOD and which candidates do not. POTUS may in many ways be considered to be the chief law enforcement officer of the nation. If a candidate has great respect for the Law of God - The Ten Commandments - then that candidate should get ones vote in preference to a candidate who hates, disrespects, flaunts disobedience to the Law of God, the Ten Commandments.


By this criteria In the past election Hillary was clearly not the person to vote for. She is a lesbian and a witch demonstrating that she has no respect for God or His laws. Anyone who does not respect the Ten Commandments will not respect the laws of the land either and is not qualified to hold any office.


Anyone who does not respect the Ten Commandments cannot be trusted to respect the laws of the nation and may be expected to violate them whenever they think they can get away with it. As time passes more and more people see the incredible criminality of the Clinton machine exposed. Had she become POTUS that criminality would have increased exponentially.


This criteria should be carefully and prayerfully considered when voting for any one and when voting for any particular party platform.

Thank God Hillary lost and Thank God Trump won!!!!!!!