Anonymous ID: 605edb Aug. 18, 2018, 4:33 p.m. No.2660301   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0353


>Weekly Standard

Good article, thank you for bringing it up. This magazine and NR are the two biggest pieces of shit in the entire media because of the level of hypocrisy in each.


Interesting note: In Virginia, the Republican Party is probably near the top of NeverTrump circles in overall penetration. Virginia "conservatives" were at the forefront to try to steal the nomination from Trump at the Convention, and prominent Virginia Republicans have been ragging on POTUS since the inauguration.

Nearly all top Virginia Republicans holding office are vocally anti-Trump or will barely ever speak his name.


Last year, to show their colors and wave their true flag of faith, some prominent and influential Virginia GOP members formed a new web site called "The Republican Standard" no doubt to stand shoulder to shoulder with Bill Kristol.


Wonder if there is any relation to the fact the Virginia Republicans are crashing and burning from one end of the state to the other. Virginia's delegation to the House used to be about 90 percent Republican and by next year it is likely to be 90 percent Democrat.