Anonymous ID: 83e7a6 Aug. 18, 2018, 3:39 p.m. No.2659868   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9873 >>0095 >>0187

As requested…

Reposted from previous board.

Dianne Feinstein typo corrected.

Image / post now side by side.

A few points of clarification…

GCC = Gulf Cooperation Council.

Trump has met with these people.

Gates, Cook, Sulzberger recently.

Easy to find sauce on The Google.

And yes, names are left off this list.

You know who they are.

About 50 more names.


Trump loves LEVERAGE.

Losing "security clearance".

Why now after 18 months?

Brennan, go act like a biased idiot.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. I will do it.

News Media, ignore real stories.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. We will do it.

Omarosa, you are up next.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. I've got this.

Avenatti, keep up the hypocrisy.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. I won't let you down.

Jack, not enough censorship.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. I will turn it up.

Guiliani, stir up the pot more.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. I will make you proud.

Zucker, I need more Russia Russia Russia.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. I am on it.

Will Ferrell, we need more cow bell.

Yes, Sir. Mr. Trump. More f'ing cow bell.

You get the idea.

Now imagine when…

They are told "Flip the narrative".

Mid terms assured.