Anonymous ID: 9c820c Aug. 18, 2018, 3:47 p.m. No.2659949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9996 >>0191



>"Emily Vanderbilt is directly related to Gloria Vanderbilt and therefore Anderson Cooper. Gloria Vanderbilt is the designer of the horrifying art pieces known as Dream Boxes which you all have seen a thousand times. Several of them involve multistory doll houses less akin to a castle/estate and more akin to a very nice multistory house a wealthy family might live in—- EMILY Vanderbilt, built and stayed in the "House O' Dreams" which overlooks Berry College which was built with funding from a list of very wealthy names like Henry Ford, and two US Presidents among others and sits in a a creepy forest area atop Mount Lavender (1300+ ft above sea level) in Rome, GA, just north of some kind of private boys / girls camp and Frost Chapel. To get there, you wind your way up "House O Dreams" RD (see attached pic)


>LOOK at that shit. That location is nice and isolated up there and surrounded by forests. Great place to chase a kid if you're into that sort of thing.


>Have NOT been able to find any evidence of tunnels underneath the House O Dreams. But I'll be damned if that entire area isn't glowing right now.


>If anyone has any ideas or finds anything related please share.



Sounds like you're onto something. Keep digging. You mentioned Rome, GA. In drop #1902 Q says "Travel to Rome." Could he mean Rome, Georgia? BTW, the airport there is named the "Richard B. Russel Regional Airport." ... Maybe there's a connection here to the Q-400 hijacker and/or the mothballed sub.

Anonymous ID: 9c820c Aug. 18, 2018, 4:20 p.m. No.2660191   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hmmm, with a connection to Emily Vanderbilt's House O Dreams/forest and the private boys/girls camp . .. could there also be human trafficking going on through the Richard B. Russel Regional Airport in Rome, GA?