Anonymous ID: e8c810 Aug. 18, 2018, 4:25 p.m. No.2660226   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0232 >>0242 >>0243 >>0268 >>0535

Q, the board is dominated by AI. Humans will not speak up. Bots make all the threads. BO keeps his "child porn reminder" at the top of every thread. 8chan admins actively undermine the board. Why is this allowed to happen? I don't think there are many humans here anymore. At least, they're all silent. 4chan is equivalently messed up. I feel like anons that should be united are silenced and dispersed around the internet, and the inertia of bullshit has everything locked into futility. Anyone finding this board will be appalled and driven away. Tons of fake, ridiculous crap is circulated as "Q stuff"… I am at a loss. We are being utterly dominated and blown out in the information war, and I'm having trouble understanding the benefit or necessity of this state of affairs. Truth has no chance. Please advise. I don't get it. Where are the humans?