Noted. You're not alone anon, casually reading over past crumbs again w/ drink in hand myself.
Really don't care how much the wall is, personally I think The People should be building it for their own sake, the problem is immigrants and the MSM have redefined the mindset of The People against something as basic as the protection of National Interests. Would they like us to make homes and fences with glass walls? No they want their personal privacy of course, their safe space, where they don't have to assume responsibility for anything but their own niche of shit. Fucking useless commie bastards.
Q, lets mount automated versions of these on the wall with overlapping fields of fire as well. Money is no object, patriots will almost certainly pay if necessary.
8.2 actually.
Sad that it fell on deaf ears, I already know people in-general are selfish fucktards but seeing that "129" on the petition pisses me off a bit.
Q came for patriots that don't believe everything they hear and question accordingly. That's literally all.