I think all you jewhatefags should get your own board. Your Ideals don't fit here.
Yeah, that was a mistake on my part due to lag and miss click. Not what I meant to send.
So you speak for the boars? All 0f a sudden all anons are racist. Oh yeah that should play out nicely on the MSM Jewish media fucktards.
boardโฆ. whatever
Thanks anon, that's all I was trying to say is it looks bad. Pollutes the positive message we're trying to get out.
Looks like my little fishing expedition worked though. Caught three Nazis or shillbots so far.
So I guess Jews are out homosexuals are out blacks are out. Is there any other group not allowed to be a part of the Q anon Culture?
Jesus was a Jew but a lot of anons read the bible so that doesn't make sense. Jesus said love your neighbor so that really doesn't make sense. I wanna speak with the highest ranking PRfag. What is the message? Follow the plan then kill all (Jews,Niggers, and faggots)? I don't think so. Do you guys get the point? Someone's got the wrong message and it ain't me.
Get it together anons! For fuck sake.
Part of board culture my ass. Do you really think they won't pounce on this to destroy us?
I can see the headline now Q anon movement resembles Nazi party with slogans like "kill the Jews"or "it's all the Jews fault".
Newfag. or just lowest ranking anon take your newfag and shove it up your shilly faggot ass. I was here before you were out of the sack and sucking on your mama's cock so recognize Clown!
Tagging all shills today. Thank you for your comment!
Your right fishing is fun. All you have to do is click here to find all the shills that have been shitting up the board.
Have a nice weekend clowns!
Don't mind these clowns. They're fake anon embedded shills.
Death throws because they are losing.