guys, we're going to space. it's totally not a multi billion dollar scam started by nazis and masons. buzz lightyear is legit and totally real. just because stanley kubrick and gay pedophile clarke make a movie about it doesn't mean space is a fake movie. trust the plot. 5g is totally your friend and so is the FCC. those fires are all climate change and totally not part of 'the plan' . trust the plan.
guys space is real walt disney was not both fake and gay since the turn of the century. masons are totally legit and totally not baby rapers. just because disney was a pedomason and arthur c. clarke was also, don't question space, which is 100% real.
just because nasa was started by nazis and elon musk is a total fraud, that is no reason to doubt what you are told about space. it's not as if science fiction writing emerged out of nowhere from former military writers like l. ron hubbard, robert heinlein, and frank herbert were just running psyops to get you to believe in space travel. didn't you ride mission to mars as a kid? disney is your friend and not a pedo ring at all.