This anon is drunk and is going to shitpost
Color me filter
Me, but she is cute and black. POTUS gave her second chance cuz optics
We had been on the moon but only with tech. No humans yet. Wonder why russians didnt bother to discredit. The phone call is as hilarious as kubrics movie
This guy almost made me sober. Who is he?
Say hello to pepeangelo, love her, no homo necessary
Resnik family i believe, floating in shit
I was unfortunately
Is it a comfortable posture, i would fall?
Statistics 101. Everyone who evar drank water died for sure, like dropped dead
Water is dangerous
Do not evar drink
Everyone waken is welcome
GOLD covered anon
Are you ready for a nuclear attack?
Do you have a bunker?
Are you a part of Y family
Or just to show off???
Member pic from the Shinning?
Youtube video connected to Q post
WE still didnt get the meaning
Bribe accepted