Published on Mar 20, 2013
In part two of our interview, Al Jazeera reporter Dahr Jamail discusses how the U.S. invasion of Iraq has left behind a legacy of cancer and birth defects suspected of being caused by the U.S. military's extensive use of depleted uranium and white phosphorus. Noting the birth defects in the Iraqi city of Fallujah, Jamail says: "They're are extremely hard to bear witness to
Ten Years Later, U.S. Has Left Iraq With Mass Displacement & Epidemic of Birth Defects, Cancers
^^^ report 10 years later as of 2003 the long term effects of the bullcrap past admins wreaked onto these people it's no wonder they're pissed at the 'white race' their homes, cities, schools, hospitals, streets boomed to smithereens, literally no standing structures for hem to reside in that resembles a home
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