In the film "The Hangover," 9-11 and the Holocaust were given time slots. Why again is this film universally praised as a comedy classic? Certainly not because of the baby masturbation joke.
The cabal gets paid by us plebs unless we sleep under the stars and make telephone calls like this guy. Where do you think your tax dollars go? To fix the pothole in your street that's been there for years?
You've mastered it, I see.
Except those in power don't adhere to the principles of natural law nor their positive laws, but they are all too happy to enforce them upon us peasants.
Podesra wears red shoes and an upside down cross (in his free time).
The hivemind is often no more than Q Psalms.
Your pastor says that making Israel strong is the key to recreate the world in God's image. How have you donated this week?
Quite a different perspective than the one showered upon you at your barmitsvah.
They barely, rarely, ever, never mention themselves.
The jews have not only called, through word and actions, for the destruction of whites and Christianity, but they have poisoned cultural norms to make it seem not only acceptable, but necessary for us to advance as a peaceful, enlightened civilization. .
Give me a justice Kek. On the other hand this jew is innocent.
Running red lights and changing lanes without signaling. Also, Sessions says no running in the halls.