It is - I will not compete it no but it is my job to push so others know. Only gabriel can speed that up.
It is - I will not compete it no but it is my job to push so others know. Only gabriel can speed that up.
you all don't get that each consciousness is power and collectively more and that that energy creates or a result of a personality you have also defined.
OK I am open What did I say?
a few minutes as it is deeper than 98 percent think.
This shit gits deep and most will call it shit. Collective shit Wave Pattern shit
and you all thought what I presented before was deep lol, I just told someone they asked would be deep dive.
collective pattern interference - that produces a dominant wave pattern
Then you balance th personal wave pattern to the collective - Which is dominant? it varies widely.
Some influenced widely some laugh. …….
Collective is a pattern, You are a pattern, if it resonates you fit the collective, if not you change your pattern or you stand and filter the resistance the collective pattern pushes.
if you think of all as waves and how they interact and amplify or cancel you get a better view of our reality. I got that I am working on mass is a side effect of that beyond our 4D
yes and no. Free will. We chose to do this. But can never be separate.
well I am off to bed.