>>2663345 (lb)
NOT a mater of right and wrong just your will to be what you want to become.
okay Lucifer. try harder. Nice wolf gag.
Man enters into material production to alleviate suffering caused by want. He makes a hat to stop getting wet. He rubs sticks together to make heat. He doesn't trade future rubs or sells sparks yet to be born. We need more hats not more promises of hats stored up in vaults or traded on a hat-promise exchange or actual hats lodged in great warehouses with the patent for a new brim-style languishing as there's more "money"(power over others) in making them sweat and offering them sweat retardants and sun screens and cancer treatments than putting hats on heads.
"the [capitalist] system was organized to maximize profits for those with economic power by creating unnecessary scarcity" Clifford H. Douglas.
There's nothing quite like heightening the contradictions in the developing correlation of forces to make a buck and rule the goy, just ask the Sabbatean Karl Marx, the "controlled opposition" to [white] capitalist (Sabbataean and shabbos goy) rapacity. Moral hazard and free riders are nothing new; the problem of trust has been addressed at length.
you are right, including your jewish inspired protestant propaganda pieces