Reposting from bread #3357 because this website is a mother lode and NightCrew are the best diggers!
Found a great website for digging into HRC and the CF. Has several extensively sauced timelines for all things HRC and CF. Great resource! Authored by political liberal who became "shocked and convinced … that this was a very real and very serious issue." Sauce is mostly MSM and govt docs, so it's a good way to show normies how even liberal sources still had plenty of damning evidence on her (and makes it much more palatable for libs in the process of getting redpilled).
The site contains three versions of timelines that differ in the number of newsworthy entries but individual entries seem to be the same if listed in more than one timeline. Below are a couple of example entries. Note that some sauces have curdled (404'd). I checked, and at least the main site and the long timeline (all 24 pages!) have been archived in the past, but ran out of time to check the rest.
Clinton Email Investigation Timeline
Short (333 entries) Timeline
Medium (548 entries) Timeline
Long (1028 entries) Timeline
Similar Cases Timeline
Clinton Foundation Timeline
Recently Added Entries
Clinton Email Investigation Timeline
The Long Version
June 9, 2000: Clinton says she doesn’t want to use email, due to the many times she’s been investigated.
Home video footage from a private fundraiser shows Senator Clinton talking about how she has deliberately avoided using email so she wouldn’t leave a paper trail. “As much as I’ve been investigated and all of that, you know, why would I? I don’t even want… Why would I ever want to do email? Can you imagine?”
But apparently necessity will force her to change her mind, and it is known that by 2006 she will start using a BlackBerry for email. (ABC News, 3/6/2015) (ABC News Video, 3/6/2015)
Tag Archive
Below you'll find a list of all posts that have been tagged as “6 November 2016 addenda” [here's one of the 18 posts on this particular addedum's date]
Shortly After July 10, 2015: Comey decides the FBI’s Clinton email investigation will be run from headquarters for greater secrecy, upsetting agents in New York.
According to CNN in November 2016, shortly after the FBI begins its Clinton email investigation on July 10, 2015, FBI Director James Comey decides to run the investigation from FBI headquarters in Washington, DC, instead of the New York office, which normally would be the proper jurisdiction, since the Clinton private email server had been located in Chappaqua, New York. CNN will report, “That decision anger[s] some in New York who thought it was headquarters’ interference into their case.”
Comey then mostly picks agents from the Washington, DC, field office to handle the investigation. He assigns the case “to the counterintelligence section, which investigates cases of alleged mishandling of classified information. It [gives] the added advantage of being a section with a reputation for few media leaks and being close enough for Comey to get personal almost-daily updates.”
Furthermore, all agents working on the case are required to sign an unusual non-disclosure agreement and also agree to be subject to random lie detector tests.
One unnamed senior official will later say, “We’re in the middle of one of the most vitriolic campaigns in American history, and we’re investigating one of the candidates for president. We had to get this right.” (CNN, 11/2/2016)