Funny, i'm forcing myself to stay up because I don't want to miss something, same feeling, and the thread is pretty dead too
The sub was supposed to have been docked in an underground facility when the missile hit
Was posted days ago by some anon, i said supposed to have, not sure if accurate
The connection was the mechanic that stole the plane had the same name as the sub, I believe we know that much, the rest of the story, who knows
the story also goes, if true, that the subs that get decommissioned are for sale and can be purchased much like gov computers, again who knows
I understand no sub was a part of any action, the sub was supposed to be in limbo at dock doing nothing not knowing it was being taken out, that was the story told, i don't know if true or not and never claimed to, just telling you what was said
the story here from other anon post
Q has got some nonsense as you call it from reddit and posted it too, what can i tell you, dis info,real info who the f knows at this point?Trusting the Plan and enjoying some of the show, Hearing about kids and people getting hurt is not the enjoyable part but the rest is pretty good
Txs for the sauce on the story
If true, don't know if it is,sub was supposed to have been stationed(docked) on the island near where the plane hit which supposedly hid the missile strike