Donald Trump’s Top Best Moments of his 2016 Campaign
I have watched several videos of campaigning DJT pre POTUS
He has really toned his language down a lot
Watching the best moments of the campaign is really funny
But also, he stated something in one of the videos, that the statute of limitations for HRC's crime [I believe the reference was emails] was 6 years
It is interesting going back and listening again with what has been revealed by Q and anons research
It is so clear listening to comments by DJT while campaigning that this has been "the plan" for a long time
In the video I just watch he said if elected he would go after HRC
After elected he said she lost the election and didn't need to be hurt more
Trump will not pursue charges against Clinton, aide says
I believe the comment very soon after the election was to keep things as calm as possible regarding the snowflakes distress that HRC lost
There would have been even worse opposition and "resisting" if POTUS pushed the "lock her up" theme