Anonymous ID: 5ae163 Aug. 19, 2018, 5:28 a.m. No.2665157   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5422

I hope we can step back get grasp of the larger picture here. Notice how the go after POTUS legally? This is one of the prime weapons they deploy against their enemies.

Everything that started in 2016 will play out into 2032, the next cycle date ( a story in it's self).

Don't forget where the first revolution took place, no it was not Lexington and Concord ( the shit they fed you in school), it was in the jury box, when colonist refused to convict fellow colonist for the king, then the king went after the jury and it was on like popcorn.

They not only raided POTUS long time attorney, the first attorney from the white house is not helping Mueller ( you cannot make this shit up), but it is also a huge signal that he is one of us, due to how they target him.

I hope all the flagfags, jesusfags, jewfags and all you other fags see this shit and if you do nothing else you can do what the colonist did and start to refuse to convict your fellow citizens.


I don't look to gov to ride in and save us, that is a fairy tale, we must save ourselves, even if Q completes his mission, do you think it ends there? do you think CIA has no assets in MI? Who are you kidding?

The declaration of independence is the only reference we really have as to what happens when you don't have a constitution, or the the current government stands in violation of the constitution. ( on a side note let's start with waving of rights, let me know where the constitution talks about a judge's right amend the constitution on the fly and real time? if rights can be waved, you never had them).

No Jefferson laid it out that you have but one right and one duty, when that long list of tyranny becomes too much to bare, you have not only the right, but the duty to dissolve that government, but also a duty to do so. When you sit on a jury you need to refer all jurors of the one right that supersede's the constitution and it one right the country is based upon.


There are a long list of casualties out there now that were struck by the deep state legal weapons to silence and relegate them as powerless. Lawfags should start there.

They have claimed ownership to a system designed to protect you and turned it into a weapon to defeat you and leave you helpless against the power they weld.


Have not doubt, this is the start, not the end. If you think you will sit back and eat popcorn and enjoy the movie, and your salvation and the salvation of a nation can be won without lifting a finger or without putting yourself and your fortune in jeopardy, you are sadly mistaken.

Some of us have known most if not all of what is coming out of Q, ( we just go duh? you people don't know that?). We have waited a long time in the dark, have cast fortunes in legal defenses, and fell on the field of battle and refused to leave on honor there. Many have been fighting in vein for years, and have been helpless to stop the deep state onslaught.


Now you know, and that is a first step, we have to fight with the weapons we have. We must also commit to our own salvation from deep state, many have been at it for years, but do not believe you can sit on the couch, eat popcorn, and watch a hero ride in on a white horse and save you, they cannot, we must save ourselves.

I shall not lay down my sword for anyone, I shall not put my faith in a government that is easily procured by what you call "Deep State". It starts with faith in each other, and there are plenty of us who lost faith in you the average joe. They tell you you have to go along, and the trains run on time, this must stop.


You don't have to go to the streets, you don't have to sell your home, close your business, you just have to extend the benefit of a doubt to your fellow citizen, acknowledge to those in power that do not share your best interest, and extend a little faith to your fellow citizen even if you disagree with them, you share a common cause.


Let us never forget, there is no farm without the sheep, that is how you shut the farm down. I think by 2032 we will hit the reset. When that happens, this government may very well have to be dissolved, and somethings you have known all your life will go away, this is not a bad thing, embrace the change be the change, and refuse to go along as sheep.

Anonymous ID: 5ae163 Aug. 19, 2018, 6 a.m. No.2665318   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5354 >>5381


Bible has been the biggest control mechanism of the last 1000 years, there was time in the dark ages where you were not even allowed to read it.


Talk about bullshit, holy shit what a story.

Anonymous ID: 5ae163 Aug. 19, 2018, 6:07 a.m. No.2665361   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The sun never told me I was a bad person, never asked for money, sure an occasional skin cancer but hey, you can't have it all.

Don't get me started on Joe Pesci.

Anonymous ID: 5ae163 Aug. 19, 2018, 6:22 a.m. No.2665454   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If I go to hell because I engage in clear critical thinking, but a pedo get's in because he repented, then enjoy heaven, I have no plans to go where the pedo's go.

I have been heard enough bullshit and tested against what I know to self evident. I don't need someone to save me, does not matter if I am here or in heaven, it does not matter what happens to me, it matters how I react. I am more powerful than they will admit. I can find the answers within, the outside world is but a contrast of what is. I don't need a bible, I don't need a church, these people do not have your best interest at heart, they have their best interest at heart and they need you money, so please do not feed the fags.