Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 3:44 a.m. No.2664780   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4822 >>4823 >>5053 >>5055



Yeah. The longer you look, the more you find Jews involved in subversion, corruption and social upheaval. You look into the history of the slave trade. What do you find? Jews. You look into the Bolshevik Revolution? Jews. Pornography? Jews. Fake News? Jews. Hollyweird? Jews. The hypersexualization of society? Jews. The so-called Glorious Revolution in England and the creation of the Bank of England? Jews. Organ-trafficking? Jews. The 'Russian Mafia'? Jews. 9/11? A whole rats nest of Jews and their shabbos goyim. Now we see Jews infiltrating South America and forming a triangle of sex-trafficking, organ-trafficking and drugs-trafficking. Jews. Acting as Jews. Working together. Promoting each other to positions of power. Keeping omerta. Because this is what the Jewish ideology legitimizes. The Jews were the early adopters of Satan's promise to give the world to those who followed him. Their entire culture and identity is built on the deal they made with him. And they create or infiltrate other organizations to get corruptible non-Jews on board too, but all under the guidance of the All-Seeing Luciferian Eye at the top. Sure, not all Jews understand that. But it's at the core of the Jewish identity. And they have been the primary keepers of the details of its rituals, blood sacrifices, charms, spells, curses and more. But, sure, let's look away from all that. Because Muh Joos anons get all offended and such.


Jewish power consists of the power to decide what you may or may not say about Jewish power. And someone seems to be trying very hard to exercise Jewish power over this board. But when all eyes are opening the the network of corruption that has been destroying this world for so long, we will all see that the Jewish role is very significant. And many so-called normie Jews know a lot more about this than they might like you to think. Time to come clean, normies. The clock is ticking.

Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 4:02 a.m. No.2664821   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4832 >>4881



The Jews/Habiru/Hebrews/bandits or whatever you want to call them were always at war with Egypt, trying to infiltrate it, subvert it, destroy it, bring it down. Because the central concept of the Egyptian religion was ma'at, the idea that one must live in accordance with Cosmic Law and principles of harmony, justice, truth. It was the Mesopotamian sorcerors like Abraham and his descendants that were constantly working to bring Egypt down, and ultimately weaseled their way into the minds of the pharoah who listened to the sorceror Joseph and discovered how to use an early form of banking - grain banks - to turn the people of Egypt into slaves on their own land. The Jewish religion even stole some of its so-called sacred writings from the Egyptians. And much of its teachings are based on the usual principle of inversion, hating what the Egyptians revered, etc. The Habiru (bandits) infiltrated and perverted Egypt, just as they would later do to Germany, Russia, the UK and most visibly now the USA. They have always hated Egypt, because it stood for Cosmic Law. The Jews, on the other hand, stand for tribal supremacy, treachery and deceit. They worship on Saturn's day and even placed their Satanic god on the position occupied by the Cosmic Mother, Ma'at, on their perverted version of the Tree of Life. And even the word Judah is just one transliteration of the Hebrew name Judas. The tribe of Judas. It couldn't really get more obvious. But noโ€ฆ. It's not the Jews. Blame the pharaohs. Kek!


Well, maybe Kek's revenge is on its way.


Or Ma'at. To pluck out the eyes of those who have defied her principles of Justice and Truth for way too long. Bring it!

Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 4:08 a.m. No.2664844   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4890



Dude, you are really getting to become a bore. It's about good vs evil. It's about God vs. Satan. And Judaism has been a Satanic cult since its inception. This is core stuff. And everyone is going to figure it out in time, so you are ultimately just trying to postpone the inevitable. Go home.

Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 4:47 a.m. No.2664986   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



Thanks, anon. The graphic was pretty interesting. Seems like Facebook was caught with its pants down and is now back-pedalling. Good to see that this stuff is being brought to light, though we are all fighting this battle with censorship and shadow-banning.





Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 5:17 a.m. No.2665106   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5111 >>5155 >>5197 >>5422



Ok, fren, I'll tell you what I think. You spoke civilly, and I respect that, so I will try to give a short answer to the points you raise.


  1. I don't think I have all the answers. I don't think I know it all. I have a certain amount of knowledge that I have built up over many years. Sometimes I can work with what I know to discuss facts. And sometimes I extrapolate from what I have discovered so far to see if I can develop some useful hypotheses that will pan out as more things come to light. Such hypotheses are based on what makes sense of what I have read from a wide variety of disciplines, but I am aware that they will remain just hypotheses until we are able to clear away some of the mystique and fog surrounding many questions and get closer to the truth. My theories regarding Egypt and what we might call Babylon is part of that.


  1. Before going on to other things, I would like to stress very emphatically that (a) I do not call for the elimination of Jews, and that (b) I do not suggest that the questions we seek to unravel and solve can be summed up in the idea that it's just the Jews, only Jews, and all Jews that are at the root of the problem. Those are not opinions that I hold.


  1. The working hypothesis that I mainly use when thinking about how it all fits together is this. I believe that there was an anti-diluvian civilization, what some people refer to as Atlantis, that developed some sort of schism between those who would use its spiritual technology for good and those who sought to use it for evil. When Atlantis was destroyed, survivors from both groups settled in different places around the world, including the Middle East, Central and South America, the Far East, and northern India. I believe that the "dark occultists", for want of a better expression, brought with them rites of blood sacrifice that enabled them to feed and commune with dark spiritual forces that would guide them, but that there may have been other groups who did not partake in such practices and had an alternative spiritual technology. And I think that this theory might explain the role of blood sacrifices in different parts of the globe, particularly in what became the Jewish temple rites and in the sacrifices practised by the Aztecs and other mesoamerican tribes. I note that it seems that in those two cases, it seems that sacrifice is used to evade the karmic consequences of negative actions by the practitioner, by placing those karmic consequences upon another sentient being that is then subject to ritual sacrifice, as we see today very clearly in Jewish rituals like kapparot.


(continued in next post)

Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 5:18 a.m. No.2665111   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5197 >>5422



(continued from previous post)


Anyway, we see clearly that Abraham and his Mesopotamian descendants were practitioners of ritual sacrifice. The book of Leviticus is full of the blood rites of this tribal cult. I certainly don't think we find anything similar in the ritual texts of the Ancient Egyptians. The question of their use of slavery is also contested. Indeed it is possible that the only reason that is commonly believed is because we cannot explain how the pyramids were built and because the Jews claim to have been slaves in Egypt. I'm not sure that's all that convincing.


I won't go into all the details of my hypothesis, but I suspect that there were also dark occultist factions from Atlantis that settling in China or the Far East. This is why I understand that the Cabal is not just Jewish. However, I think that the Jewish faction of the Cabal, what we might call the Satanic dark occultists who use blood sacrifice to connect with dark spirtitual forces, has played the dominant role in the history of the West. We cannot understand that history without understanding that role. It's highly significant. But it is not, of course the whole story.


My guess is that the Cabal seeks to reunite itself. Perhaps this is the deeper story behind the need to 'cut the strings' in North Korea. And even behind the recent revelations of Diane Feinstein's 'driver'. The Cabal is not exclusively Jewish, though again I reiterate that the Jewish religion and network has been probably the major vector for the Satanic scheme in Western history. But it is not the end of the story.


As for the Khazars, who are allegedly Mongolian of descent, I suspect that here we have another faction of the dark occultists of Atlantis that, when integrating into Europe, recognized that what was going under the name of rabbinical Judaism was a related branch of their own original cult beliefs. Hence the decision to merge. They are not Hebrews, of course. But my theory is that they recognized that 'this is something that we can work with', because they are different strands of the same ideological/esoteric source.


Anyway, I hope this clears up some of the misunderstandings that might have arisen in your perception of my way of thinking. As I am sure you will understtand, these are just hypotheses. And I am ready to revise them when we get closer to the truth of the matter. I don't think we are there yet, but I would like to think that open discussion of all these questions will get us there in my lifetime. And, yes, I don't think we will get there until we can freely talk about the role of Jewish power and Jewish supremacism in Western history and politics, though I don't think, as I hope has become clear, that the matter begins and ends with Jews. Thank you for listening.

Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 5:32 a.m. No.2665173   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5195 >>5214



I know. I believe that those who agitated for it must have known that the ritual murder of Jesus would have profound spiritual implications and consequences. I don't think this is the time or place to go deepr into my thoughts about that, but I imagine the rabbis were chunnering away ritual curses while he was dying on the Saturnic symbol of the cross on that day.

Anonymous ID: 73207c Aug. 19, 2018, 5:47 a.m. No.2665247   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun



That's probably a reference to the pharisees, bringing their toxic creed back with them from Babylon and preaching the Second Law (Deuteronomy) to the people of Judea. They created what we know today as rabbinical Judaism.