Anonymous ID: c89dd0 Aug. 19, 2018, 4:26 a.m. No.2664913   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>4926



I quit drinking when Q came online pretty much. Now Im 240 fps on coffee mostly .Got focused in on finishing off evil forever. Alcohol is poison never made 1 good decision on it. This war made me realize we are so few we have to be as sober as possible. I still have to have my tweed tho or nightmares non stop every night.

Anonymous ID: c89dd0 Aug. 19, 2018, 4:52 a.m. No.2665009   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5057 >>5067 >>5079 >>5145

Ok so this is probably in my imagination but I swear to God I feel like it happened.

I was an extra abused stepchild (violence non sexual) .I was beaten and thrown out of the hose when I was 4 years old in the cold, bag packed sent into the snow in pajamas . Drug back into the house and choked out pretty much. All this for spilling paint on the floor.

So I am sitting in my room on the floor looking at the spot where I spilled the paint and wondering whatever a 4 year old wonders while sitting there. It was about 5 pm or so . No One was home besides me which was almost unbelievable. Im sitting there in my room and all the sudden I see these incredible brown leather shoes walk by my eyes and of course not ever seeing anything like that I said WHOA !! like WTF feeling to a 4 yr old. I look up there is this guy in this beautiful bright blue suit looking down at me the guy leans down and puts his hand on my shoulder says . Hi Im president Donald Trump I'm from the future. One day you are going to help me save the World so cheer up things are going to get better. He gave me kind of a hug I remeber then stood up walked to the door said something to me on the way out them him and 2 guys in suits closed the door. I jumped up ran to the door and opened it and they were gone. I ran down stairs and opened the front door ran outside , gone. So I sat on the front step and looked at the sunset and thought. Im gonna help save the world? what does that mean ? KEK. then I just went about my day and do not remeber it until about 3 months ago it all came back. I had dreamed about it though little pieces all my life. I also had a UFO exp with a female and was given holo images into my mind of the KEK symbol in 2009. Swear on my dead fathers grave. I have sauce on the UFO story too witness fb chat agreeing it happened. I am sure the thing with me as a kid is just my imagination but wow it seems so real and everything matches thru the event . Strange. Who knows. I know anti grav craft exist like out of star wars. That is very real. My story, eh could be just my mind playing tricks. My gut says real tho. Wierd exp. There ,ur turn. Anone?

Anonymous ID: c89dd0 Aug. 19, 2018, 6:16 a.m. No.2665416   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun   >>5422



>>2665315 In the middle of Baghdadโ€™s busy commercial neighborhood of Karrada, where most retail outlets sell home appliances, shoppers can now also buy semi-automatic rifles legally.

>>2665226 โ€˜Liberty or Deathโ€™ gun-rights rally leads to clashes, arrests as protesters face off

>>2664625 Uganda arrests U.S. citizen who assaulted hotel worker for "disgracing Jesus"

>>2664793 Charlottesville and Masked Antifa: Whatโ€™s With the Masks?

>>2664807 F I must comply with Judge

>>2665210 unpleasant-truth-about-1941-parachuting-rudolf-hess-england-part-1 Zerohedge

Anonymous ID: c89dd0 Aug. 19, 2018, 6:17 a.m. No.2665422   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun

#3364NEW Baker

>>2664843, >>2664880, >>2665102, >>2665153 President Trump tweets and decodes

>>2664950 "SHARE to spread awareness about big tech censorship!"

>>2664680 EarthQuakefag Reports

>>2664957 GermanArchiveAnon Update #3351 to #3363

>>2664684, >>2664723 Brennan,digs

>>2664696, >>2664725, >>2665243, >>2665263, >>2665272, >>2665308, >>2665334, >>2665345

Modern [witches] / occult symbols/family's connect .

>>2664701, >>2664735 The Pentagram Has Avoided Audit For 27 Years

>>2664764, >>2664870 Timeline for GHWB 1990 Presidency

>>2664796 Nicolaitans Information - St Nick - SANTA CLAUS

>>2664799 Army Leader Agrees With Trump on Brennanโ€ฆCalls Him a 'Communist'

>>2664997 Trump to make Paris visit in November to mark 100 years since end of WWI

>>2665106, >>2665111 Anon speculates on Anti Deluvian races and connections to modern people's

>>2665232 Alex Hernendez's suicide notes qualify for doorknob hangings, me thinks.

>>2665317, >>2665337 YMCA digs

>>2665277>>2665329 Kiwis, whats going on?


>>2664987, >>2665020, >>2665157, >>2665187, >>2665392 High IQ posts ,various subjects
