Anonymous ID: d73c74 Aug. 19, 2018, 2:52 a.m. No.2664684   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4718 >>5422

Special Report

John Brennan, a Security Risk from the Start

He plays the pitiful political hack and shabby radical to the end.

The real story about John Brennan’s security clearance is not that he lost it under a Republican president but that he once got one.

One of the peculiar footnotes of Brennan’s history is that he obtained a position in Bill Casey’s CIA after having supported the Soviet-backed American Communist Party at the height of the Cold War. Had Casey conducted the polygraph test in which Brennan admitted to voting for Soviet proxy Gus Hall in 1976, Casey would have tossed him out of the office. Casey hated communists. Whoever hired Brennan must have been a Deep State holdover from the Carter years.

Brennan prided himself on his “commitment” to alternative lifestyles and would pad down the halls of the CIA in a “rainbow lanyard,” as Bill Gertz once reported.

Putin’s refusal to hold “gay pride” parades in Moscow infuriated Brennan. He also didn’t care for Putin’s unsentimental approach to Islamic terrorism. Brennan defined jihad as “self-improvement” and lobbied Obama to embrace the fanatics of the Muslim Brotherhood. Brennan got his wish when the Obama-backed Morsi rose to power in Egypt and wrecked it.

Michael Flynn thought that Brennan was a PC jackass of the first order, in thrall to the Muslims with whom he had traveled to Mecca during his stint as station chief in Saudi Arabia.

The only criticism that Trump deserves for yanking Brennan’s security clearance is its delay.


He should have done it on day one.


Brennan was a security risk from the start — an anti-American radical of staggering proportions who should never have been permitted within a hundred-mile radius of Langley. Putin, Trump once said, is “laughing his ass off” at the mayhem dolts like Brennan have caused.


Putin is also no doubt laughing at the spectacle of a former communist rising to the top of the CIA, then conducting in his retirement an attempted coup against a patriotic president on the claimed grounds that he is insufficiently hostile to Mother Russia.

If anyone qualifies as a useful idiot for the Russians, it is Brennan.

Brennan never grew up. In his youth, he clamored for the overthrow of an American president; nothing has changed in his dotage. He is still vowing to sabotage an American president, and indulges the adolescent delusion that he somehow speaks for the proletariat, insisting that it will “defeat” Trump.

Samantha Powers, another lefty drip in Obama’s anti-Trump ring, warned Trump that he shouldn’t risk the wrath of Brennan. Who knows, implied Powers, what he might do? In taking away Brennan’s security clearance, Trump just took Powers at her word.

Anonymous ID: d73c74 Aug. 19, 2018, 3:10 a.m. No.2664723   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5422

Brennan and the Security Clearance


The reality is that John Brennan never should have been named to head the CIA. Only an Obama could pick such a dubious character for such a sensitive role. The guy voted for Gus Hall — the Soviet Communists — in a Presidential election when the Democrats offered an alternative to the GOP. No matter how much Brennan may have changed from his Soviet Communist inclinations — if he changed — he never should have been made head of the CIA. Without getting ad hominem, honestly there is something objectively not normal about him. Most assuredly, Americans are entitled to hate President Trump, and it does seem that roughly half the country falls into the category of Trump haters, resisters, or more moderate rejecters. Any political figure who shakes the system at its roots will generate above-average love and loyalty, and above-average animus. But Brennan has been and is off the charts, repeatedly calling the President “treasonous.”


Under American law, a traitor is liable for the death penalty. 18 U.S.C. § 2381. (“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”) When your friend calls you a “traitor” because you no longer root for the same sports team, that is banter. When your vegan restaurant calls you a “traitor” because you now finally have joined the world of carnivores, it is what it is. When your employer calls you a “traitor” because you just accepted a job offer from the competition at twice the pay and half the hours, that is angry frustration. But when a previous CIA head calls the President of the United States a “traitor,” either formal charges must be proffered and the trial begun, or the maniac typing those frenzied words must be deemed a nut-job whose access to state secrets and national intelligence must be withdrawn immediately.


Brennan’s tweets and interviews seem characteristic of a person who now is unstable. Given his prior support for Communist Russia, who among us knows what this nut believes now, what goes through his mind? We all are much safer today now that he no longer has security clearance. To the degree that the Seedier Media have made a circus this week of how no President previously has withdrawn the security clearance of a former CIA director, the other side of the analysis is that America never before has had a former CIA Director with a previously documented preference for Soviet Union Communism and who thereafter has hurled at the President of the United States the legal charge of “treason.” He is a nut. If he is entitled to security clearance, then so are Kathy Griffin, Madonna, and Chelsea Handler. (But don’t give that idea to the Seedier Media.)

Anonymous ID: d73c74 Aug. 19, 2018, 3:49 a.m. No.2664793   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4838 >>5416

Charlottesville and Masked Antifa: What’s With the Masks?

Those Antifa masks absolutely have to be legislated as illegal.

Bank robbers wear masks to avoid being identified when they commit felonies.

Cattle rustlers and train robbers wear masks for the same reason. Outside of Halloween and Purim, occupational safety, theatrical performances, airplane travelers and others carrying communicable disease, leaf blowers, and celebratory masquerade parties, there seem to be few justifications for wearing masks in public.

Antifa mask-wearers are as likely as not to wreck property, smash store windows, assault and batter law enforcement and first responders, and to do their best to recreate Kristallnacht images on the streets where they demonstrate.

Congress has to go beyond threatening, and it has to legislate a federal content-neutral ban against wearing masks that addresses the same concerns that have led some states successfully to ban Klansmen from hooding their faces.

It is not about the politics of KKK or Antifa. It is about barring people from hiding their identities from law enforcement in anticipation of perpetrating violence and other felonies.

Perhaps such laws will not withstand First Amendment strict scrutiny, but Congress should give it a try, crafting the language very narrowly, aiming clearly at appropriate time, place, and manner restrictions.

Anonymous ID: d73c74 Aug. 19, 2018, 4:04 a.m. No.2664830   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5095

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Item #7

You know what has not been discussed the past few days? How this foreign born convicted child molester/child porn producer managed to run around the world basically unimpeded. Even after he was brought in by the feds to supposedly help them out, there he was, gone again in an instant. That former head of an agency had a whole lot to do with it. Don't ever kid yourself that a child pornographer wouldn't be allowed to run free if someone high up decided it would be in the best interests of the higher up. Drug runners are allowed to go free. Killers are allowed to go free. You think someone molesting kids and filming them having sex mattered to this agency head? Was the higher up given money or information to let the child molester run free? I don't know, but the hundreds, if not thousands of kids abused in that network need answers. 

Posted by ent lawyer at 10:30 AM 73 comments

Anonymous ID: d73c74 Aug. 19, 2018, 4:10 a.m. No.2664856   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4924

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Item #7

How this foreign born convicted child molester/child porn producer managed to run around the world basically unimpeded.


Even after he was brought in by the feds to supposedly help them out, there he was, gone again in an instant.


That former head of an agency had a whole lot to do with it.


Don't ever kid yourself that a child pornographer wouldn't be allowed to run free if someone high up decided it would be in the best interests of the higher up.


Drug runners are allowed to go free.


Killers are allowed to go free.


You think someone molesting kids and filming them having sex mattered to this agency head?


Was the higher up given money or information to let the child molester run free?


I don't know, but the hundreds, if not thousands of kids abused in that network need answers. 


Posted by ent lawyer at 10:30 AM 73 comments

Anonymous ID: d73c74 Aug. 19, 2018, 4:41 a.m. No.2664972   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Pedo Men without consequences is apparently becoming Hollywood’s newest ‘trend’.


Saturday, August 18, 2018

Blind Item #7

You know what has not been discussed the past few days? How this foreign born convicted child molester/child porn producer managed to run around the world basically unimpeded. Even after he was brought in by the feds to supposedly help them out, there he was, gone again in an instant. That former head of an agency had a whole lot to do with it. Don't ever kid yourself that a child pornographer wouldn't be allowed to run free if someone high up decided it would be in the best interests of the higher up. Drug runners are allowed to go free. Killers are allowed to go free. You think someone molesting kids and filming them having sex mattered to this agency head? Was the higher up given money or information to let the child molester run free? I don't know, but the hundreds, if not thousands of kids abused in that network need answers. 

Posted by ent lawyer at 10:30 AM 73 comments


Disney hired convicted child molester to work on 2006 kids show: report


Should Director Luc Besson’s Pedophilia Really Be Forgotten?

Men without consequences is apparently becoming Hollywood’s newest ‘trend’.

Trigger Warning: This article discusses abuse, sexual harassment, child molestation and pedophilia.

Other Pedo Directors/Pedowood producers


Christopher Miller

Peter Scully

Brian Peck

Victor Salva

Luc Besson

Anonymous ID: d73c74 Aug. 19, 2018, 4:57 a.m. No.2665031   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Disney hired convicted child molester to work on 2006 kids show: report


Should Director Luc Besson’s Pedophilia Really Be Forgotten?

Men without consequences is apparently becoming Hollywood’s newest ‘trend’.

Trigger Warning: This article discusses abuse, sexual harassment, child molestation and pedophilia.

Other Pedo Directors/Pedowood producers


Christopher Miller

Peter Scully

Brian Peck

Victor Salva

Luc Besson


Gary Glitter

Mueller probe: Who is George Nader