Anonymous ID: 861be3 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:31 a.m. No.2665949   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Anons, I can offer reasons why we are in a

re-view. Re-view = take a different "look."


What has Q repeatedly said?

We The People have the Power

Fight Fight Fight

Did you forget how to play?


What are We doing with our Power?

All the digging and evidence produced?


An experiment - lasting 4 weeks.

Fight back:

Twitter, FB, IG and all MSM articles where comments are open.

USE the evidence and ask Questions.


Examples, but not limited to:

Anderson Cooper - Provide the pictures of his Family.

Ask simple questions - What do those symbols mean? Post the pic of him reading the newspaper - What does that little doll girl in the corner mean to you?

Clintons - As frequent visitors to JE's Island, what sort of activity goes on in these buildings?

Chelsea - what does an upside down cross mean to you? (Provide pics)

Maxine and Pelosi - Please explain how, on a tax payer salary of less than 200 thousand per year, you have amassed such great wealth?

Pelosi - in this video (Included) you speak of talking to N Korean leaders about weapons.

Please elaborate?


See where this is going? Hit them where they are weak!

Done in a intelligent way without anger how will Censorship be justified?

Our "walls" are shadow banned - not the comments in THEIR walls.

Each day - Unite. Set the targets. Spend 20 minutes going around with pics and links and asking for Truth - Call them OUT.

4 weeks, every day without ceasing.


IF they answer with denial or accusation of conspiracy?

We ask Q for help with more info to attack with.

"We have everything" - remember?


Lets organise, do this in Higher Integrity of Truth and call these People Out from the walls of lies they hide behind. Screw the MSM.

We The People have All the Power.