Anonymous ID: cac5b6 Aug. 19, 2018, 6:51 a.m. No.2665635   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5679


I meant when the cabal practices cannibalism and mock cannibalism, it's a perversion of the symbolic eating of the flesh of Christ.

What have we been talking about for the past 9 months? Adrenochrome comes from blood. It's a fountain of youth of sorts.

Symbolically christians eat bread and wine to represent the body of christ, so that they have EVERLASTING LIFE

Anonymous ID: cac5b6 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:39 a.m. No.2665997   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6005 >>6015 >>6041 >>6046 >>6166


Ever since Trump said we don't telegraph our moves to the enemy any more, or words to that effect, I kept that in mind while following Q stuff. Q isn't telling us the plan, he's just telling us there is a plan. He's pointing us in the direction and says "See that? How can that happen if there's no plan?" Use logic "Oh look, another coincidence. Still don't believe there is a plan? How many more coincidences before you realize this is planned" And so on. he's telling us what has happened or what will happen as a result of a part of the plan already executed. This is why future proves past.

The cabal can have no chance to counter move. the moves aren't telegraphed. Not even in code. Every time Q posts is verification to the cabal that their internal failures are a result of team Q and team Trump. The cabal understand Q's coded language perfectly. We have to learn it. Isn't it funny, we struggle with their code and when they come here to try to blend in, we spot them in a second. They struggle with our comms too.

Anyways Q told us a while ago already to enjoy the show. That means all the moves are made and the dominoes are falling. It's a good graphic and the pieces fit


Anonymous ID: cac5b6 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:50 a.m. No.2666055   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The death of the deep state won't be pretty, we've already seen false flag attempts, and false flag partial successes. Hopefully those are close to ending.

We are also seeing leftists lose their shit in real time, this is why we need popcorn.