Anonymous ID: f8040c Aug. 19, 2018, 7:30 a.m. No.2665941   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5987 >>6011



Chemtrails and the reason for them is connected to the whole situation with hidden tech and keeping the population in the squirrel wheel of depenency.




The cabal have technology that will create energy from the zero-point field. Have had it since the 30's, 40's something. If that was released to the public people would be able to fend for them selves and not be occupied all time in survival.


The fuels we use now do pollute the atmosphere and the planet to the extent that keeping that up would render Earth un-inhabitable by us in the long run.


Therefore they spray, as a symptom treatment of this situation, dispursing clouds will reduce the green-house effect which keeps harmful gases close to ground and trap heat.


They have to keep spraying as long as we use the old fuels, otherwise the eco system will collapse. When the point-zero-energy tech is used broadly they can tone it down and slowly reduce spraying over time. If not some system for quick restoration can be used, that is.