Anonymous ID: 2c6e5b Aug. 19, 2018, 8:54 a.m. No.2666504   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6521

Well…trying to post some research but I can't. Keep getting an error that "the body was too long"


I swear I've seen longer posts on here…wtf??? I'd rather not cut out the important quote i've copied and pasted

Anonymous ID: 2c6e5b Aug. 19, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.2666570   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6618 >>6658 >>6737 >>6757 >>6778 >>6931 >>6949 >>6970

further dig on ROME, GA


To recap a little. Why did Rome, GA become a point of interest recently???

  • Q mentioned Travel To Rome (just wanted to add that Rome, Italy is NO LESS a point of interest ((fuckign obviously…vatican there…but I digress)) and this actual 2'nd "pool" might still be located there…though I suspect otherwise at this point)

  • Pizzagate lead to the discovery of John / Tony Podesta art collection which is vast, and horrible, but included multiple pieces from a particularly evil and ugly, long faced, dead-eye-gaze Marina Abramovic WANNABE (from the same town none the less) known as Biljana Durdevic

  • Biljana Durdevic's art lead people to Identify a pool located in the Biltmore Estate owned by the VANDERBILTS (Gloria Vanderbilt is Anderson Coopers Mother)

  • John Podesta is super close to Hillary Clinton and almost every other sick fuck we talk about

  • Clintons have a huge interest in farming the black kids from HAITI

  • Hilary absolutely LOVES Robert Byrd, a well known Ku Klux Klan member who is pictured wearing full KKK gear

  • A plane hijacked recently by a pilot by the name Richard Russell (likely not his real name) crashes in very symbolic fashion.

  • Rome, GA has an airport called Richard B Russel Airport. Top down view of the location is strange looking.

  • Rome, GA 6 to 8 miles away from Richard B Russel Airport is property owned and lived in by Emily Vanderbilt (House O' Dreams)

  • Whos who list of super wealthy business magnates like Henry Ford, and a couple US presidents invested in this small town including Berry College which Vanderbilt property overlooks

  • Rainn Wilson has a whole setup for Haiti black children


Who was Richard B. Russell?? Well…The most notable thing I found about him so far was that he was opposed to ending slavery of blacks. Seems to have fought against it. Now, I got stuck here for a long ass time. I'm trying to find a pool or bathhouse or medical facility or a tiled kitchen the elites visit etc…Nothing. zilch. Haven't even found any tunnels yet and there is very little in search engines regarding vanderbilt property in the area. But you find a lot of weird shit in ROME, Georgia without even meaning to. For EXAMMMPLE: I was walking around the town on GPS streetview and came upon Myrtle Hill Cemetary…Got drawn in by the abundance of obelisk style tombstones in there. Prominent people have structures in this cemetary so I figure why not.


Guess who has the coolest one??? General Nathan Redford Forrest. The FIRST leader of the Ku Klux Klan and president of the Memphis Railroad (Please NOTE something here: The Vanderbilt Family Fortune Comes From The Railroad Industry (( from wiki" Cornelius Vanderbilt (May 27, 1794 – January 4, 1877) was an American business magnate and philanthropist who built his wealth in railroads and shipping.")) His nickname was "The Wizard in the Saddle" and he is considered responsbible for a giant, brutal MASSACRE of black people that happened under his watch known as the FORT PILLOW MASSACRE where alledgedly they tried to surrender but Bedford Forrests men Shot, stabbed, bayonetted everything black in site included WOMEN AND CHILDREN. Going to copy and paste some words about this man and his actions here to save you some time–this shit is IMMENSELY fucked up, they were even trying to bury some of the black people ALIVE- (NOTE: Screenshot of gathered quotes is attached, board will not let me submit a post long enough to include them in text):


Heres a fun little leap for you. Remember Tom Hanks and those Big Names??? Remember Forrest Gump???? Forrest Gump in the movie / novel is named after none other than General Nathan Redford Forrest (What??? you think they weren't aware of all of this???)


Thats all I have…. still can't find that fucking pool but i'm getting a hell of an education in the process (no pun intended)

Anonymous ID: 2c6e5b Aug. 19, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.2666683   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>2666618 >>2666658


Also strange is that the Manager of the Richard B Russell airport is named Mike Mathews, he stepped down recently on July 6 2018 and was took a job in ATHENS, GA (weird shit, not sure if notable)


As pointed out the guidestones are in Georgia as well but not in Rome.


wtf Georgia

Anonymous ID: 2c6e5b Aug. 19, 2018, 9:16 a.m. No.2666705   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Chemtrails are a weird one


Aim your super zoom cameras and telescopes at things on land, compare to things above. You'll find you may have been been lied to about distances.


Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.


^^ think about that

Anonymous ID: 2c6e5b Aug. 19, 2018, 9:37 a.m. No.2666873   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6939



man you just blew my mind…not sure what florida has to do with rome, ga exactly…. but….


I knew a Ziff….he's dead now after getting close to fame. Marty Friedman guest starred on his album… can't say more without self doxxing


small world man…small world. I never realized he was jewish!!! conversations we had….all makes sense


fuckin A

Anonymous ID: 2c6e5b Aug. 19, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.2667038   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Highly noteable article here.



Also note Hal Puthoff has teh Jeff Bezos eye. He might actually tie jeff bezos for most fucked up wonk eye.


Hal Puthoff on the board for Tom Delongs little UFO hunting panel



This all ties in with



L Run Hubbard


Pedowood (especially John Travolta)


JPL Jack Parsons


Huge cluster….don't have time to write it all up here. The link above covers A LOT OF IT


Ingo Swann, Russel Targ other notable names


Will post more on this another time if it catches on.