Looking at last night's notable I noticed two names, Deepak Chopra and Tony Robbins.
Deepak Chopra ss a very wealthy new age "spiritual philosopher" or mystic. He's been funding so research into quantum brain phenomena, supporting research in the area by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hammerof. Penrose is a great mathematician and Hammerof is an anethesiologist who studies consciousnes. These guys are legit scientists and a little mystified by the wealth new age guru's interest in their work.
Richard Feyneman was a similar situation, the cult leader Werner Earhart. Are these charismatic gurus insecure about their own abilities associating themselves with hard science and math?
Tony Robbins the motivational speaker is also a charismatic, rich, influential etc. If you can't stand watching video because of the low bandwidth information transfer there's a transcript for Tony Robbins TED talk - and he gives a shout out to Al Gore in the first row.
Tony Robbins was also trying for a link up with hard science - he got his a TED talk before TED talks became total NWO crapslide, watching the talk and comparing it to the the written transcript you can see how Tony R earns his 30 peices of AG - "positive thinking"
He's also into some stem cell spoop with a scientist Peter Diamendes
So what are these gurus up to? Are they just minor charismatics working their hustle ? Or are they connected to some transdimensional activity occuring in local environment?
Why does this activate the almonds?
IDK. Perhaps worth a dig.