Mueller Is the Dems’ ‘Serial Cleaner’ — Says Former FBI Director Played Role in Benghazi Cover-Up
Mueller Is the Dems’ ‘Serial Cleaner’ — Says Former FBI Director Played Role in Benghazi Cover-Up
Catholic Priests Speak Out: Faithful Priests ‘Blackmailed,’ ‘Bullied’
Bolton: Brennan, Others in Obama Administration ‘Were Politicizing Intelligence’
Clapper: Brennan’s Rhetoric Has ‘Become an Issue In and Of Itself’
AKA, throw Brennan under the bus
Wasn't Clapper listed for revocation of sec clearance, too? Covfefe brewin'
Interesting, Anon. My local Sen, John Kennedy is attempting to add required ID to make food stamp purchases. He might kick up a hornet's nest.
For those who haven't seen it. pay attention to the guy behind the tree……
This is possibly when she was arrested. The bald guy behind the tree never moved until she approached the car. When he grabs her arm, she "pretends" to faint.Watch it again.
This is why i want to go back over some things as i can. The era of the Conspiracy Theorist has come to light in the eyes of the common people. Everything we know will become Mainstream news. It will be glorious.
Thank You! Was wondering if anyone would catch that!
Khan’s London: Six Arrests After Teen ‘Disembowelled’ in Quadruple Stabbing
2020: Dems Gearing Up for ‘Street Fight’ on Race, Identity Politics
Vladimir Putin Sends Kim Jong-Un ‘Sincere Congratulations’ on National Holiday
Honestly don't know. About to cook lunch so I'll have to dig it later.