Anonymous ID: 1ed676 Aug. 19, 2018, 1:39 p.m. No.2669288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9305


The question is: "What is Truth within the world of lies?"


It is easy to look at Wicca, which teaches a form of deception, and then proclaim something opposed to it as being the truth and the righteous.


I am not so easily convinced. Order is important. There is a reason the crimes of the Church are being placed on the docket, first. No one will believe the truth is being pursued while the Church remains above reproach.


Who do you trust the most? "God." But which God? Most people believe in God as a narrative and institution by proxy. The Church is God. The people in it are part of God and do God's work according to God's laws and teachings.


Far fewer stop to contemplate the concept of creation, spirits, and those which could be considered deities. Even fewer stop to look into the stories and the symbolism.


People love "this is good" and "this is bad" lines of thinking. If x is present; good… Else bad. It's a simple line of programming that, in many cases, is quite practical and serviceable.

But it isn't the truth. It also leaves that programming open to being exploited. I wear a crucifix and don't burst into flames; I be a good guy. I like to stay awake at night and study the stars and dancing by the fire light; I be a bad guy. The more complicated analysis of what makes an action good or evil, and what makes a person good or evil, requires wisdom and knowledge.


Kind of like that thing we got from the tree of knowledge… Or … If we are the descendants of Adam and Eve…

All symbolism and legend has its place and purpose. "Man has become like us."

Like who?


But I digress away from the point of it all. Consider the perspective of others. Re-view the old legends with new eyes. The story of Adam and Lilith is something of a tragedy, most would say, I believe - and the subsequent creation of Eve a sort of cave to Adam's indulgence. Each figure representing a sort of tragic, unyielding character. A wife who would rather be defiled by demons than yield to her husband and a husband who would rather find comfort in his own flesh than yield to his wife.

"Knowing what you know now…"


Everything Q says is for the future. Not the distant future. Months to years. There will come a time when we will, knowing the truth that has been concealed, have to look back on the world around us, and re-think our judgment of many things.


Do not expect to walk through the door of doors. The threshold is a might bit trippy and the floor has a mind of its own.