Anonymous ID: 54ef36 Aug. 19, 2018, 12:44 p.m. No.2668677   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8687 >>8736 >>8743 >>8826 >>9288


Harry potter really? You must be young if you believe that. Wicca has been alive and everywhere in California. Especially places along the coast like santa cruz and up north amongst the redwoods. Its been huge as long as I can remember. Long long before Harry Potter. Colleges have some whacked out feminist teacher at each of them to facilitate these types of groups and help bring more young students to rebel against their parents, and to experiment with the other girls and bond. You know the real college experience. After that they are hooked into doing it to support the movement. The facilitator the changes the enemy from the parent to the Men that are keeping them from being equal and succeeding. That why they go from experimenting to hating men and wanting them to be their slaves or cucks. They get manipulated while they think they are being taught to stand up for themselves. Young and dumb enough to believe the lies of a wise professor. Almost all the girls that i went to highschool with, that went to a California university became man hater by our 10 year reunion. A lot of them claim to be Wiccian now. The ones that dont claim it but still act like it are probably hiding it because of their parent disapproving witchcraft.

And by the way they are into enchantments and spellcasting white magic which is they are the same it just the caster thinks she is doing good with her spells(which is a lie). If God=all that is Good


Witchcraft is not of God


Witchcraft cant be Good in any form. It is a lie from satan leading them to believe they are the higher being not God.

How can enchanting someone to love them is a control spell. Seems selfish and not of love. If they really loved the person they are trying to enchant, they wouldnt want to make them a slave.(mind control slave) they would want them to be happy and free. Not the case with love spells that wicca pushes. Get to higher levels in wicca and you are taught that you need nothing from a man and that you should share your body with them as they are not worthy.

I have some old friends that their mothers were deep into it. They divorced the fathers and now live wiccian communities of women. Their a only use for a man is to use and manipulate him to further the cause. They help each other get on city councils and in business leadership positions. They play the role then claim "me too" and continue to move up in the business when he steps down to save his good name. Not saying the guys are innocent but i am saying they plan the stuff are target the guys before they ever date them. And they dont target guys who are not in control.