Anonymous ID: 5f6d8f Aug. 19, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2669215   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran lawmakers target Rouhani's finance minister as sanctions bite


LONDON (Reuters) - Iranian lawmakers launched impeachment proceedings against the finance minister on Sunday, ramping up pressure on the president who is already facing attacks from hardliners over his handling of the economy in the face of new U.S. sanctions.

A group of 33 MPs signed a motion accusing the minister, Masoud Karbasian, of being unable to manage the economy or form and implement policies.


That was enough votes to force Karbasian to come to parliament to answer questions on his record in the next 10 days.


If lawmakers are unhappy with his answers, they can vote to impeach and sack him - a move they took two weeks ago against Iran’s then minister of cooperatives, labor and social welfare, Ali Rabiei, after questioning his achievements.


President Hassan Rouhani is facing a growing domestic backlash since U.S. President Donald Trump pulled out in May from an international accord that had curbed Iran’s nuclear ambitions in return for sanctions relief.


The rial currency has halved in value since April. A number of protests have also broken out since the beginning of the year over high prices and alleged corruption.


Washington imposed sanctions on the acquisition of U.S. dollars by Iran, and Tehran’s trade in gold and precious metals this month. The United States has also said it will reimpose sanctions on Iran’s oil exports and banking sector on Nov. 4.


Rouhani did not immediately comment on the motion, but defended Karbasian at a cabinet meeting earlier on Sunday, calling the minister’s performance acceptable.


Parliament on Aug. 1 summoned Rouhani himself to come and answer questions within the next month, though without the threat of an impeachment vote - the first time lawmakers have taken this measure against him.


In late July, Rouhani appointed a new central bank governor, and accepted the resignation of the government spokesman, in moves seen as concessions to hardline critics.


Iran asked the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) on Sunday to protect it against the U.S. sanctions on its oil sales.

Anonymous ID: 5f6d8f Aug. 19, 2018, 1:36 p.m. No.2669247   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Iran Next


Netanyahu and Bolton discussions focus on Iran nuclear program


JERUSALEM (Reuters) - White House national security adviser John Bolton arrived in Israel on Sunday on the first leg of an overseas trip, and met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, with Iran the focus of talks.

Bolton is one of the U.S. administration’s leading hawks in dealing with Iran’s nuclear program. He was meeting Netanyahu at a working dinner at the Israeli leader’s residence in Jerusalem. The two are set for further discussions on Monday.

“We’ve got great challenges for Israel, for the United States, for the whole world - the Iran nuclear weapons program and ballistic missile programs are right at the top of the list,” Bolton said.


In his welcoming remarks, Netanyahu said the two would discuss how “to continue to roll back Iran’s aggression in the region and to make sure that they never have a nuclear weapon”.


Bolton will meet Russian officials in Geneva later in the week as a follow-up to the summit meeting that President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin had in Helsinki last month, the White House said. He will also visit Ukraine.


Bolton told ABC News in an interview earlier that the United States, Israel and Russia shared the objective of removing Iranian and Iranian-led forces from Syria, and ending Iran’s backing of the Lebanese Hezbollah guerrillas.

Anonymous ID: 5f6d8f Aug. 19, 2018, 1:43 p.m. No.2669325   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9404 >>9430



Laying the groundwork even then


Trump: 'Fine' with trying US citizens in military courts

Updated 5:22 PM ET, Fri August 12, 2016


Donald Trump said in an interview Thursday that he would support trying US citizens suspected of terrorism in military tribunals – a controversial proposal that would likely be challenged as unconstitutional.

The Republican presidential nominee told the Miami Herald that he doesn't "at all" like the idea of trying terrorist suspects in the civilian court system, even though US citizens are constitutionally entitled to due process. He added that he would be "fine" with trying US citizens in military tribunals at Guantánamo Bay, the US naval base that is also home to a military prison housing captured terror suspects.

Trump addressed the Guantánamo Bay detention center, climate change and the Zika virus in a wide-ranging interview with the Miami Herald.

"Well, I know that they want to try them in our regular court systems, and I don't like that at all. I don't like that at all," he told the Herald. "I would say they could be tried (in military commissions), that would be fine."

Anonymous ID: 5f6d8f Aug. 19, 2018, 1:45 p.m. No.2669353   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9426



Trump’s Executive Order for Military Tribunals


March 9, 2018 by theupliftingcrane


Trump’s Executive Order for Military Tribunals


What does Trump’s new Executive Order published on March 1, 2018 mean? It gives new powers to the Department of Defense by allowing civilian courts and lawyers to be used to augment military staff during military tribunals. It also alludes to the current law allowing Martial Law to be declared during times of National Emergency or during any threat to National Security. We are already declared, via Executive Orders, to be in a state of National Emergency. Are we going to have military tribunals of US civilians? Is this akin to Martial Law?


For the first time in history, experienced civilians to take part in the US Military court-martial process—thus clearing a path for mass “Deep State” arrests whose trials and sentencing would not impact the normal flow of the US Military justice system.


The rumored 14,000 sealed indictments being served against pedophiles and the Gitmo housing expanded by 13,000 beds in the US budget relate.


What does Trump’s Executive Order mean? It means that all Hillary funds, laundered through the Clinton Foundation, will be confiscated. She and Bill accepted deposits from African dictators known for their human rights abuses. All Soros funds will be confiscated. Any Saudi funds on US soil that the King cannot access will be confiscated. US politicians known to be padding their pockets with drug money will find this confiscated, and that includes Herbert Bush, the drug Kingpin.


The frenzy to remove Trump from power has many sources. The criminal Clinton cabal has been double dealing the public for years, and money buys a lot of allegiances. If the public had been privy to the secret trials conducted by Dunford last year, they would have been horrified. Selling 20% of the US uranium rights for $145 million while Secretary of State was just the tip of the iceberg. The Clinton Foundation, wherein only 5% went to actual charities, was a massive money laundering machine. Hillary is under house arrest now.


But what of the period between March 1 and the point in time when the official status of the Junta is admitted? During this time, ongoing in the present, Military Tribunals are in effect, confiscating drug money and payoffs so they cannot go into the pockets of the Bush/Clinton/Soros/Netanyahu cabal. Pedophile blackmail material is being confiscated. Trump’s March 1, 2018 EO covers that problem by stating that the time frame between March 1 and the end of 2018 should likewise be covered. So we are to assume that the Junta expects its official status to be made public by this time.


What was astonishing was that none of what is termed Major Media brought this up as a topic nor discussed this among their talking heads. Not CNN, not Fox News, not MSNBC, not RT – none of them.