Anonymous ID: 835084 Aug. 19, 2018, 1:17 p.m. No.2669005   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9020 >>9022 >>9127 >>9352

going back to the start. comparing the two photos (pardon the 3'rd added, kid is wearing red shoes. same pattern, dif color back ground)


Biltmore kids back facing the viewer

  • No shoes

  • Red asses (sodomized repeatedly before this event likely)

  • In front of ropes

  • No look of shock or horror. rather tired / confused at this point


Unidentified pool kids with RED shoes

  • Red shoes

  • Look of shock on their faces

  • Hands are untied

  • Hands appear bloody, blood under fingernails


When someone in hollywood earns their red shoes what do they do to earn them???


how many were brought up this way since childhood and groomed, prepared for their role????


Once you've had sex with children, murdered people, ate people, what else could you do that would absolutely mock God?? is there something worse you could do???


Interviews of SRA victims often say they were forced to murder, even behead other children.


Theory: The red shoe kids participated in the ritual killing of children in first pic. They shocked in the second pic, likely because said kids are being chopped up, cooked in front of them, or are watching their peers eat them.


Kids in the different photos do not appear to be the same. There is almost a before and after sense to these.


Are the children in red shoes chosen to later go on to be potential stars/mockingbirds/plants???