Anonymous ID: a97213 Aug. 19, 2018, 1:26 p.m. No.2669127   ๐Ÿ—„๏ธ.is ๐Ÿ”—kun


I did an in depth dig last night on this stuff so I could understand it better. I didn't think it's about the red shoes as much as it is about "red feet". Let me explain. I have 10 pics like these you posted. Every single one is in a tiled room I believe it is not about a pool', but a TORTURE CHAMBER. This is how they program the MK Ultra's. But torture. Tiled room, like pools are easily cleaned up and therefore less likely to be caught with DNA, blood evidence. The shocked faces, reddened hands and rear ends are signed of torture.


Something else to note about these pics are the clothing. Almost all of them have a shirt and underwear. The shirts are either white, yellow or horizontally stripped. These are symbolic. The red on the feet symbolize the blood they walk/stand in from the torture.

When they say pool party, they don't mean a swimming pool full of waterโ€ฆโ€ฆ.