Anonymous ID: e11a5d Aug. 19, 2018, 1:24 p.m. No.2669098   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9170 >>9194 >>9275 >>9325 >>9353



I cannot, for the life of me, find the threads, but we had a very interesting discussion (that maintained notable status for many threads) about how the EOs posted way back when allowed for "flexibility" for Federal Attorney Generals/Prosecutors to work DIRECTLY with the UCMJ to carry out trails for people that are civilians to be tried as per UCMJ procedures. It was a fantastic discussion.




I had a twitter back and forth (with a lawFemFag) about how Ex Parte Milligan may or may not prevent such prosecutions under the law. Ex Parte Milligan basically says you cannot hold tribunals for civies; which is 100% true. However, if you could prove sedition/treason while coordinating with a known enemy of the United States, you could be tried for treason. She eventually gave up, and we agreed to disagree on the procedures to allow for it.


Why do anons think Bill Browder gave up his US citizenship? Why on EARTH would anyone be motivated to do that? Because the sum-bitch was committing (what would be considered) treason under US law. But since he was smart enough to give up his US Citizenship, he can't be tried that way.


Back to the cabal:

These idiots never thought she'd lose.

These idiots worked with foreign nationals against the United States, and didn't even bother to try and hide it.

These idiots had no choice but to give it all to Q and team once he took office.

These idiots even tried to take POTUS' life as he took the White House (remember when the MSM derided FLOTUS and Barron for not joining POTUS in the White House as soon as he won?).

These idiots are literally doing everything Q wants done, because he controls them, now.

We are literally watching a movie, as per anon theory that they are allowed to walk around, do and say as they are told to (making stupid comments on Twitter because it's all a setup), because it will help sway public opinion once everything hits.

The MAP is guide to understanding how the world has worked up until this point. When all the future news breaks, people will be absolutely floored, and eternally grateful to have been freed.


The entire purpose of Q was to wake the masses to the real truth, and when these tribunals go mainstream, the past 10 months will be seen as the greatest revealing of knowledge of how the conflict of good and evil has unfolded in the past several generations across the entire world.


What a time to be alive!!!

Anonymous ID: e11a5d Aug. 19, 2018, 1:33 p.m. No.2669203   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9271







Under previous management, SA could have been considered an "enemy of the state". So could various actors in various other countries. They owned our politicians for so long, that you could make the case that they politicians beholden to them were, indeed, treasonous dirt bags.


Enter UCMJ!

Anonymous ID: e11a5d Aug. 19, 2018, 1:38 p.m. No.2669273   🗄️.is 🔗kun


If they were affiliated with, say, the Muslim Brotherhood, it doesn't matter their citizenship status outside the US. As long as they have a US citizenship, and are working and coordinating with an outfit like that, they are committing treason.


That's why this works! We're actually, for the first time in many decades, going to see the law being applied as it is written!!!

Anonymous ID: e11a5d Aug. 19, 2018, 1:50 p.m. No.2669404   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9426


Guantanamo Bay Expansion:


Guantanamo Bay is going to be considered THE place to get deployed to:


Think about being one of the cabal, and listening to this speech:


Remember, Q tracked down Obama overseas: