Anonymous ID: eee58b Aug. 19, 2018, 1:27 p.m. No.2669138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9162


Just think of this as Nuremberg 2.0. This legal groundwork along with staffing enhancements, reservists being called up for JAG and other Mil Tribunal admin work was laid out knowing that chaos would ensue within the Federal Judiciary owing to the large number of compd Federal judges and other members of that Third Branch of the Government. By the time those EO's kick in, most if not all of the coup plotters will have been charged as co-conspirators in the various acts of Treason. This will also include many members of the MSM as well as Social Media including the organizers of the clowns/shill attacks here as well as the individual foot soldiers which we have been fighting off since late last October. For that reason I predict their declining activity here as we are well past the tipping point.