Be careful about jumping to conclusions.
Lori Bruno may simply be a person
Who sells/makes witchy jewelry
In a town whose livelihood depends
On witchcraft tourism
The one pendant, does not have horns at the top
Like a chachal charm
But it does have a triangle
And if it has meaning, then the 5 dangly bits
Would mean she is ranked
At the 5th level of Hell
But Michelle only has 4 danglies
Unless you count the big one
Madonna at 60 in Bulgaria
Had 4 coin danglies, but she also has a cross
And since Madonna in the 2016 Met Gala
Wore one large jewel in the same spot
Maybe she had entered the first level of Hell
And has worked her way up to the 5th
I would need time to study what has happened
To Madonna from 2016 to now.
If you claim that the 2016 Jewel doesn't count
Because she has no horns
I would point you to the way the heavy chain
Is arranged on her head.
I can't see Michelle's clearly enough
To tell if there are horns on it
And the final one is the pendant
Worn by the Queen Bee, Pilippine Rothschild
In 2011 with down pointing horns
She is at the very top, the ninth level of Hell.
Our whole world system is RIGGED and manipulated
This is why POTUS continually exhorts us
We must Hunt the Witches who have Rigged our way of life.