>it's the polka dot tie trigger
>oldest trigger
>total troll job
it's the polka dot tie trigger
oldest trigger>>2669742
total troll job
guess where those "rainbow warriors" had to camp in '07
the call it hell's creek
cause hell;s peak is where they did their killing
maybe it was just swamp gas
hate is one thing
volition of malice is a completely different ballpark
what you mean "kill them all in ARkansas"
there are many other states that deserve their blood for corn cultivation
why does corsi have to invade my router before he does his sublimanation technique
whatever the fuck kind of cia pedo branding that is
the doubtfagging cliche technique
how frat of a cuntry is taht
we can kill you later through the cocaine supply anyways
if these fake jews can;t make something sensational to distract you from the cocaine dillution that really runs their lifes
we might live better
did you know
one kilo from belize
could get "cut" (pollution/dillution) 30~40 times
describe the bot on the inside that is really bothering you
i call it
"inner>existentialism "
>>are (you) jew baiting or jew bait
i got more chickens in my town than jews
more sealed than shekels
for what
selfish fehgels
behold a sign from gravity for us all to observe before the grave
-made sex tape and it was good
that's right to left fyi
totaled troll job
we secretly worship Canadian hydropower anon
don;t forget to kick a bunch of ass on TV
you owe it to your daughter