Anonymous ID: e72395 Aug. 19, 2018, 7:16 p.m. No.2672979   🗄️.is 🔗kun

American Intelligence Media YT Channel

Dianne Feinstein controls media through her controlling interest stocks


I didn't take notes, but this video talks a lot about how we are controlled by media. They know how to spur your seratonin with headlines, lights, activity on the screen, etc


Tell how to find Feinstein's stock holding

how she sent her chauffer to meetings she couldn't attend

lots of goodies

I listen while I research so didn't take notes



Dutchsinse (who has a 24/7 earthquake watch)

will give a EQ forecast at 9:30 Central time

yes, his forecasts are fairly accurate

He will explain what will happen after these deep EQs we've been having

It affects everyone, especially those on the Pacific coasts