take care of that dahmer shit
https://www.deepcreekv acations.com/
take care of that dahmer shit
https://www.deepcreekv acations.com/
omg omg omg
basically learning how to tell time the hard way
thats how i learn every lesson in life
from animals
im the original stegfag that was yelling at you to pay attention, half that shit is full of malware im going back to java im done running android crap, thanks for carrying the torch tho, go read clockfags to see what im working on now could use your help
it would be helpful af to be able to compare results with pixelknot and java/python apps
you run binwalk on those files and alot of them have phone malware in them, but dont change your setup if you're currently fine i want to compare, ill post in that thread when i have everything instaled