Spoiler that shit anon!
Ans.) Annoying AF.
You can put it in ascii2hex.com but hopefully now everyone knows that, there's no need to do it in the first place…
They call that one 'concernfag'. Very well, from now on you shall be known among us as 'concernfag'.
The path to exposing the whole conspiracy goes through them.
There doesn't seem to be a signature field on page 390. I think that page might just list the signatories and dates.
The redaction notes b1-1, b3-1 and b7A-1 seems to be about the dates.
Nice find anon.
Nice catch.
They are just where the rubber meets the road I think. You can put all the pieces of the conspiracy together but to to get it actioned in the real world, with a thin veneer of legality, it has to go through those people.
So to unwind the conspiracy you have to go through them, show how they were complicit and work back from there.
Just my thoughts anyway.