you're just a pissed off nobody.
got it.
it's fucking self aggrandizing word salad bullshit
>you are exactly the level of stupid that still believes in this bullshit Q.
>Fuck yourself.
You're here for what reason?
How about if you fuck off liddle faggot.
Your fuckery is Fucked.
so now Fox Newscasters are prostitutes and Stormy Daniels is a feminist goddess.
>the only way to fix the jew-goyim inter-ethnic tensions is to talk openly about the facts surrounding judaism and jewish group behavior, despite many jews not liking it.
they are liars, frauds and thieves, so that will never work
> I get shilled when I tell my story as a victim
what fucking story? WTF are you even talking about? pathetic
no thanks
first meme needs to be redone - they last line is illegible
>You don't like my choices? Become a baker.
>I'm already checked. Find it yourself, NiggerShill.
You are no better than anyone else, fucko. Don't ever try that shit again on us.
kill this bread
it was a dud
just post it later anon, w/a new baker and the day people will see it
should be fired