Anonymous ID: 7aa1f6 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:19 a.m. No.2675949   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6317


The LAST thing we need is another agency set up by the corrupt swamp themselves to investigate their own corrupt and criminal dealings.

We have had endless royal commissions at the state and federal level over the years and NOTHING has or ever will be done. Its nothing more than just an act of appeasement so it looks like somethings being done where they buy themselves time to restructure their criminal system and throw some lower level scum under the bus. Fuck these cunts.

Anonymous ID: 7aa1f6 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:25 a.m. No.2676002   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The royal family in tonga are no differenr and fully backed by the lizard family in london. They reluctantly stepped away from the politics only to have control over economic activity through their contril of infrastructure. Now the chinese have stepped in as a safeguard to ensure they hold onto it and looks like (the riots of) 2010 will be coming back again real soon. Chinese criminals also found themselves a nice cushy place and hiring the thugs deported from US, Aus and NZ to keep the locals at bay.

Anonymous ID: 7aa1f6 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:33 a.m. No.2676066   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Bloody hell. What part if the plan do yoy not understand? Read the fucking crumbs you simpleton and ask yourself why he has to do what he has to do away from DC and Hubers role in it. Fucken hell you cunts are thick.

Anonymous ID: 7aa1f6 Aug. 20, 2018, 12:50 a.m. No.2676192   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6225

China eyes Vanuatu military base in plan with global ramifications


China has approached Vanuatu about building a permanent military presence in the South Pacific in a globally significant move that could see the rising superpower sail warships on Australia’s doorstep.


Fairfax Media can reveal there have been preliminary discussions between the Chinese and Vanuatu governments about a military build-up in the island nation.


While no formal proposals have been put to Vanuatu's government, senior security officials believe Beijing’s plans could culminate in a full military base. The prospect of a Chinese military outpost so close to Australia has been discussed at the highest levels in Canberra and Washington.


A base less than 2000 kilometres from the Australian coast would allow China to project military power into the Pacific Ocean and upend the long-standing strategic balance in the region, potentially increasing the risk of confrontation between China and the United States. It would be the first overseas base China has established in the Pacific, and only its second in the world.


Australian intelligence and security figures, along with their partners in the United States and New Zealand, have been watching with concern as Beijing deepens its influence with Pacific island governments through infrastructure building and loans.


Beijing has been showering Vanuatu, which has a population of about 270,000, with hundreds of millions of dollars in development money and last week committed to building a new official residence for Prime Minister Charlot Salwai as well as other government buildings.


Multiple sources said Beijing’s military ambition in Vanuatu would likely be realised incrementally, possibly beginning with an access agreement that would allow Chinese naval ships to dock routinely and be serviced, refuelled and restocked. This arrangement could then be built on.


One of the most substantial projects funded by Chinese money is a major new wharf on the north island of Espiritu Santo. Jonathan Pryke, a Pacific islands expert with the Lowy Institute, said the Luganville wharf had "raised eyebrows in defence, intelligence and diplomatic circles" in Canberra because while its stated purpose is to host cruise ships, it had the potential to service naval vessels as well.


The wharf is close to an international airport that China is helping Vanuatu upgrade.


Read more here:

Anonymous ID: 7aa1f6 Aug. 20, 2018, 1 a.m. No.2676262   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6277



The perfect place to have a missile system setup…..yout can easily fire it east or west and i wouldnt be surprised to see the chinese build man made islands to build a base if the other nations refuse, i mean they already done it to the south china sea and gave the neighbouring counties a big fuck you as they have voiced their opposition.

I hope Trump and Pompeo consolidate that part for the sake of their security and the nations in that part.

Anonymous ID: 7aa1f6 Aug. 20, 2018, 1:38 a.m. No.2676478   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6482

Next bread should be titled Night of the Numbnuts because some cunts have lost their fucking balls along with their minds. In this thread and the one before that at l