Dirty, dirty
>- Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer
Most people have no clue whatever what that means.
It means that the Jews are actually Ancient Egyptian pagans who worship Osiris, also known as the Light Bringer (Latin Lucifer) because the star of Osiris, the dog star Sirius, rises first in the morning, bringing along Ra, the sun god a short time later.
And it means that Akhenaten's real name was Mo-Ses and that although he ran from Egypt with a group of people, they eventually went back to the old ways, made a golden calf to represent the King Osiris, also know as Moloch from the Canaanite word for King.
In other words, the Jews are not a special people. They are just a faction of the Egyptian priests that Akhenaten rebelled agains, who eventually came back to power in a couple of generations and built their central temple in a safer place, in Canaan on Mount Moriah in the place they called Jeru-Salem.
We should all praise these folks to the heavens
They are a great way to separate those who are truly awakened from those who just want somebody to tell them what to think.